Loss Recovery insurance isthere for the situations youwould rather not contemplate,with loss adjusters who offerinvaluable expertise and advice.Loss RecoveryInsurance forPrivate Clients
Contact us 01653 697055enquiries@mcclarroninsurance.comwww.mcclarroninsurance.comClaimsSarah shared her positive experience of havingLoss Recovery insurance in place:“Our lives are hectic at the best of times but whentorrential rain caused the local river to burst itsbanks, our home was flooded.My first concern was to try and stem the damageby moving as much of the furniture as possibleupstairs. The problem was that we couldn’t moveheavy items, such as the sofa and piano.Whilst the family was safe, our home was not. Afterthe water had receded, the full horror of thedamage was all too clear. The insurance companywas not able to send out an adjuster for some timeand I just wanted to get the family home back inorder. Luckily, we had taken out Loss Recoveryinsurance at the time of renewing our Home andContents insurance. This meant that expert helpwas on hand within 24 hours.The loss adjuster organised specialists who wereable to start remedial work to dry out the groundfloor and then to prepare and negotiate the claimfor the damaged items and repairs. We wererehoused in temporary accommodation while thework was carried out and normal family life wasrestored – including a replacement piano!”.Putting your home back togetherWhen something happens to your home, youcannot get it sorted quickly enough. Floods andfires can destroy your home comforts, throwingyou into a period of instability. Loss Recoveryinsurance arranged by independent insurancebrokers McClarrons is there to try and minimisethe stress of recovering your losses.We work with providers who have over 25years’ experience in giving people in difficultsituations the advice that is going to help themavoid further loss, while preparing for insurernegotiations to achieve a fair settlement, withas little delay as possible.