Insurancefor SocialFarms& GardensServiceWithoutCompromise
This guide has been written to assist Social Farms & Gardens' members with their insuranceneeds. It includes an introduction to McClarrons and who we are, along with usefulinformation to help you understand what type of cover you need, an asset register to helpkeep track of your valuables, and provides an outline of the core packages we offer. Who are McClarrons?McClarrons are an independent insurance broker offering specialist insurance advice andcover, and exclusive rates, to Social Farms & Gardens' members. McClarrons have workedwith Social Farms & Gardens and their members since 2019 and currently look after theinsurance needs of over 200 organisations running community green spaces, city farms andcare farms in the UK.McClarrons have spent the last 10+ years growing and developing our dedicated Care &Social Welfare Team so that we can offer Social Farms & Gardens' members access tospecialist products and advice, and help you protect your organisation and the invaluablework you do. It is our aim to ensure that whatever challenges your organisation may face inthe future, an inadequate insurance policy isn’t one of them.How we workYour dedicated contact will be able to review your organisation’s set-up, activities and risksto provide you with a quotation to meet your requirements; this could be one of our policypackages or a bespoke scheme, for those with more unique activities. This means you haveappropriate cover in place at a competitive premium through a reputable insurance provider,protecting your organisation into the future.ClaimsMcClarrons also have an in-house claims team whose sole job it is to support our clientswhen they have suffered a loss. Access to specialist loss adjusters and good workingrelationships with insurers allows your assigned claims handler to work on your behalf, toprovide you with as fast and fair a settlement as possible.#ServiceWithoutCompromiseWho areMcClarrons?PAGE 03
What insurancedo I need?PAGE 04YESYESYESSTARTDoes yourorganisation haveEmployees/Volunteers?Does yourorganisation giveadvice or a serviceto its users?Does yourorganisation work withmembers of the publicand/or holdfundraising events?NONONOYESYESYESDoes yourorganisation haveany Trustees?Does yourorganisation promptand/or administermedicationsDoes the organisationown any property?NONONOPublicLiabilityEmployers'LiabilityProfessionalIndemnityTrustee LiabilityProperty DamageTreatment Liability
PAGE 05YESYESYESYESDoes yourorganisation own/run any vehicles?Does yourorganisation workwith children/vulnerable adults?Would interruption tothe organisation’sactivities affect itsincome?Does your organisation have anytools/Machinery/PolyTunnels?NONONONOYESYESDo any employees/volunteers handlemoney on behalf ofthe organisation?Does the organisation employ staff, and couldit be at risk ofemployment dispute?NOMotorInsurance BusinessInterruptionAbuse Cover ContentsCoverFidelity Employment LawProtection
As Social Farm & Gardens’ preferred insurance provider, we want to make sure you have theright insurance in place for your organisation and activities.Working with insurers, we have secured 3 core packages (outlined below), along with theoption to have a bespoke policy tailored to your specific activities:Community GardenCare FarmUrban Care Farm/City FarmThe following covers are included as standard across all our policies:Employers' Liability - £10m (including volunteers)Public/Products Liability - £5m (this can be increased to £10m where required)Hirers LiabilityNon-hazardous Fundraising EventsGroup Personal Accident for Employees/Volunteers - £10,000 capital sumTreatment Liability and Abuse Liability for Care FarmsOptional extras are available for additional requirements your organisation may have, suchas Trustee Indemnity, Professional Indemnity, Property Damage (including buildings andcontents), Business Interruption and Computer Equipment. We can help you determine if anyof these may be of benefit to you.Core Packagesand ProductsPAGE 06
Rural Protect is a Management Liability policy, for which we are pleased to be able to offerbespoke rates for Social Farm & Gardens' members.This bespoke policy provides cover for individuals, including directors and trustees, and theorganisation itself, should they face an allegation of a wrongful act in connection with theirwork. Through Rural Protect, you have access to leading law firm, rradar, who can providelegal advice at any time and will represent you should the worst happen.Key benefits of Rural Protect for Social Farms & Gardens membersCovering the cost of dealing with investigations and prosecutions from all UK regulatorsLimits chosen apply to each and every defence claimNo prospect of success clause on defence claimsAllows you to take action against a third party through Pursuit coverOption to add cover for employment disputesBreach of Data Protection coverAnd more - please contact us if you would like to know more.In addition to the support above, rradar also offer a library of document templates to assistwith the running of your business and access to their online digital tools - rradarstation,rradargrace and rradarreport.IntroducingRural ProtectPAGE 07
Protection fromregulator investigationand prosecutionRural Protect can help to defend and supportyou if you are faced with investigations,prosecutions and warnings from any of theUK’s regulators and enforcement agencies.We are pleased to offer bespoke rates forSocial Farms & Gardens members.
Q: I don’t have any employees – do I need Employers' Liability?A: In short – yes. Employers' Liability is a statutory requirement for any organisation withemployees, whether they are full-time, part-time, temporary employees, unpaid volunteers,interns or even work-experience students from a local school. You can be fined up to £2,500for each day you do not have this cover in place, and up to £1,000 if you do not display yourEmployers' Liability certificate or refuse to make it available to inspectors when asked. Readour Employers' Liability Insurance FAQs here.Q: What is underinsurance and why does it matter? A: Underinsurance is a common mistake but a costly one, determined by the ‘condition ofaverage’ clause, which you can read about here. Most Commercial insurance policiescontain an Average Clause/Condition of Average, which allows insurers to proportionatelyreduce claim payments where underinsurance has occurred (this can apply to Buildings,Contents and Business Interruption covers). Underinsurance essentially means you haveinsured for less than the true value of what is being insured. Take a look at an example ofwhy a £200,000 building would only receive a settlement of £50,000 due to underinsurancehere.To keep track of your contents, we recommend keeping an Asset Register noting the datesyou have owned items from, proof of purchase (or a note of ownership if donated) and theircurrent market replacement value. Download our Asset Register template here.Q: What can be done to manage risk at Community & Care Farms?A: We are often asked what can be done to help prevent claims at Community & Care Farms.In our 'Community & Care Farms – guidance for managing risk' blog, which you can readhere, we address four specific areas of risk to focus your time on; Preparing Care Farms forVisitors, Handling Hygiene, Safety of Staff & Visitors, and Animal Welfare.Social Farms & Gardens also offer many health and safety resources on their 'How we canhelp' webpage here, and 'Resources' webpage here. Not only that but their Green Care QualityMark framework helps you reach the minimum standards you need to meet as a green careprovider. The Care Quality Mark, awarded by Social Farms & Gardens, is a site-specificannual accreditation that is awarded on a compliance basis and shows that you run a safe,professional organisation and look after the people and animals in your care. Find out moreabout quality assurance through the Green Care Quality Mark here.InsuranceFAQsPAGE 09
Su LambertClient AdvisorEdward Blacklock Client AdvisorLorraine WheatleyClient ExecutiveJonathan CopleyHead Of Care and Social WelfareLuke BeesonClient ExecutiveAndrea Thompson Client ExecutiveRebecca Seals-LawClient AdvisorEmily KilvingtonClient AdvisorIan ScullionClient AdvisorMeet theTeamPAGE 10
" We just wanted to say that we are very happy with theservice you have provided us with. It was really easy tooutline our requirements, and any questions we had wereanswered very quickly. Our new insurance premium ischeaper than what we were previously paying for a morecomprehensive cover. We are impressed with the way youhave helped us and would definitely recommendMcClarrons. " - Pontyclun Allotments Association " We would definitely recommend McClarrons, the best,stress-free and knowledgeable option around. We havecomplete confidence and trust that you understood thebusiness and that you would get us accurate cover. Reallygreat service, thank you. " - Woodgate Valley Urban Farm Ltd and Reboot Greencare " We have been delighted at the assistance we havereceived and would readily recommend Jordane atMcClarrons to any similar organisation. " - Marldon Community Composting TestimonialsPAGE 11
Social Farm & Gardens’preferred insuranceproviderContact us today for a complimentary insurance review, call us on 01653 600477or email