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Acturis Best Practice Guide

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1 Acturis Best Practice Guide

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2 Contents Contents ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Assigned Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Recent Contacts ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Favourite Contacts ................................................................................................................................. 6 Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................ 8 How to log on ....................................................................................................................................... 10 How to change your password ........................................................................................................... 11 Forgotten Password ............................................................................................................................ 12 How to add Acturis Plug In to Modules .............................................................................................. 13 Locating a Contact .............................................................................................................................. 15 Adding a Task ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Locate Tasks ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Use of Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Task Title Labelling ............................................................................................................................. 21 E-file Labelling – Principles ................................................................................................................ 22 Accounts - E-file Labelling ............................................................................................................... 23 Affinity - E-file Labelling ................................................................................................................... 23 Care - E-file Labelling ...................................................................................................................... 23 Claims - E-file Labelling ................................................................................................................... 24 Commercial - E-file Labelling .......................................................................................................... 24 Farm - E-file Labelling ..................................................................................................................... 25 Personal Lines - E-file Labelling ..................................................................................................... 26 Policy Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. 28 How to add a Contact ......................................................................................................................... 29 How to add an Opportunity ................................................................................................................. 31 How to process New Business (Manual) ........................................................................................... 34 How to process a Renewal (Manual) ................................................................................................. 44 How to process a Mid-Term Adjustment (MTA) (Manual) ................................................................. 48 How to process a Cancellation (Manual) ........................................................................................... 53 How to create a Multi-Policy Finance Quote ...................................................................................... 54 Policies Non-Refundable on a Pro-Rata Basis .................................................................................. 60 Adding an Underlying Insurer ............................................................................................................. 61 How to Create a Refund Request Email to Accounts ........................................................................ 63 How to add the Scanning Module ...................................................................................................... 65 How to add a Client Fee ...................................................................................................................... 66 How to add a Related Contact ........................................................................................................... 69 Using the Client Survey Field on Acturis ............................................................................................ 71

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3 How to Access the TEST Environment ............................................................................................... 73 How to Transfer a Client Executive .................................................................................................... 74 How to create a Grid View Risk Spreadsheet .................................................................................... 76 How to add a Void and Clone Policy................................................................................................... 80 Reporting Questions- Cancellation or Lapse Transaction ................................................................ 81 Reporting Questions – Contact Level ................................................................................................ 82 Reporting Questions – Policy Level/Quote Level .............................................................................. 83 How to access the Acturis Academy .................................................................................................. 84 Transfer of Agency Process ................................................................................................................ 86 How to use Activity Types ................................................................................................................... 87 Acturis Mobile App .............................................................................................................................. 88 How to note a Client as Deceased ................................................................................................... 284

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4 Assigned Tasks 1. Log on to Acturis and select the ‘Home’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. Select ‘Assigned Tasks’ on the left-hand side of your screen. 3. All outstanding tasks assigned to you that have reached their set date are displayed in this section.

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5 Recent Contacts 1. Log on to Acturis and select the ‘Home’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. Select ‘Recent Contacts’ on the left-hand side of your screen. 3. Client records that you have accessed in the last 7 days will be displayed here.

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6 Favourite Contacts 1. Log on to Acturis and select the ‘Home’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. Select ‘Favourite Contacts’ on the left-hand side of your screen.

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7 3. To add a contact to your ‘Favourite Contacts’. Click the star on the top right-hand side of the contact. Once the star turns yellow it has been added.

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8 Shortcuts 1. Log on to Acturis and select the ‘Home’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. Select ‘Shortcuts’ on the left-hand side of your screen.

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9 3. There are already shortcuts provided in here by Acturis. You can customise the shortcuts you wish to see in this section, by choosing ‘Select Shortcuts’. 4. After pressing ‘Select Shortcuts’, tick the shortcuts you want and click ‘Save’, this will then delete any shortcuts you haven’t selected. If a shortcut you would like isn’t available in the list, please speak to an Acturis Superuser.

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10 How to log on 1. Double click on the Acturis icon to launch the ‘Log On’ screen. 2. Fill in your ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’. 3. Click ‘Log On’.

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11 How to change your password 1. Double click on the Acturis icon to launch the ‘Log On’ screen. 2. Select ‘Change Password’. 3. Fill in your ‘User Name’, ‘Current Password’, ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm New Pass-word’. 4. Click ‘Change Password’.

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12 Forgotten Password 1. Double click on the Acturis icon to launch the ‘Log On’ screen. 2. Select ‘Forgotten Password’. 3. Fill in your ‘User Name’ and click ‘Request Temporary Password’. Your Account has now been reset and a temporary password will be emailed to you shortly. 4. Once you have received your temporary password by email, fill in your ‘User Name’, ‘Tem-porary Password’, ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm New Password’ and then click ‘Log On’.

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13 How to add Acturis Plug In to Modules 1. Close Acturis and go to your Desktop Taskbar at the bottom of your screen. 2. Click the up arrow at the right-hand side of your screen. Right click on the Acturis Icon and select ‘Settings’. 3. Select ‘Plug In Settings’.

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14 4. Select ‘Reinstall’ and tick the following modules: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Mi-crosoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Desktop Upload. Then select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’. 5. If the Plug Ins do not appear on your modules at first, a computer restart may be re-quired.

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15 Locating a Contact 1. To locate a client, select the ‘Broking’ tab and select ‘Locate Client’. 2. The drop-down menu under ‘Search On’, offers multiple different search criterias depending on the information you have available. a. **HINT** - the best methods of locations a contact are the following: i. Contact Ref. ii. Postcode iii. Name/Surname 3. Type your search text into the field provided. a. **HINT** - for text searches Acturis will locate records that BEGIN with the text entered. To search for all records that contain the text put a % at the beginning. b. 4. To enter the client’s file simply double click on the name when it shows in the results.

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16 Adding a Task 1. Log on to Acturis and select the ‘Task Management’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. In the bottom left corner, click ‘Add’ to add a new task, this will pop out the following box. Acturis Task Management Guidance Document

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17 3. Then complete the following: a. ‘Activity Type’ – Diary b. ‘Start Date’ - will automatically populate with today’s date, change this to your re-quired date. c. ‘Office’, ‘Team’ & ‘User’ - will automatically populate with your details, however if you wish to assign the task to someone else, these can be amended. d. ‘Title’ - summary of what the task is about. e. ‘Description’ - further detail about the task. f. You can also attach relevant documents to the task, by clicking ‘Add’ in the bot-tom left corner.

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18 4. You can then assign it to the relevant context, e.g. contact, policy, RFQ etc, by clicking ‘Edit Context’, search for the client, once found, select the client. If you wish to add the task to a policy, RFQ within the client level, click ‘Search within Contact’ and find the most relevant level to add the task against and then click ‘Ok’. 5. Your task will then show on your list of tasks to be done.

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19 Locate Tasks Tasks can be located from two locations: 1. Via the ‘Task Management' tab – this will automatically show you any outstanding task as-signed to yourself. 2. From the Broking module under the client - by selecting ‘Task Management’ under the ‘File & Diary’ section. *Tip* - Please note that if you want to search for tasks in the future, please amend the ‘Date To’ to the required date you want to search by.

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20 Use of Tasks Tasks can be used for multiple purposes, please see some examples below:  Chase renewal  Post  Request for internal underwriters to action change  Feedback on quote  Underwriting completed  Respond to client query  Awaiting confirmed documents from insurers

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21 Task Title Labelling All task titles to be labelled as follows: Notes: - PRODUCT – to be replaced with the product or cover it refers to - INSURER – to be replaced with Insurer name - Remember any further notes and detail should be stored within the Task Description box with dates and initials. - Tasks should be checked several times a day - No-one should be sat with several historic client/insurer/accounts tasks, once something has been chased (unless an answer is required that day) it should be updated and moved on. Task Title Label Use Timeframes MTA-INSURER-WEF xx/xx/xx Mid Term Adjustment Required Change of vehicle/additional property etc Same day MTA-INSURER DOCS- xx/xx/xx Mid Term Adjustment Awaiting insurer docs 5 working days MTA-CLIENT-AWAITING INFO Mid Term Adjustment awaiting client info 2 working days MTA-INSURER-AWAITING QUOTE Mid Term Adjustment awaiting quote 2 working days NB-CLIENT-AWAITING INFO New Business awaiting information/fact find from client 2 working days NB-INSURER-AWAITING QUOTE New Business awaiting quote from in-surer 2 working days NB-INSURER-WEF xx/xx/xx New Business pending on cover instruc-tions 2 days before in-ception date RNL-CLIENT-AWAITING INFO Renewal awaiting information/fact find from client 2 working days RNL-INSURER-AWAITING TERMS Renewal awaiting terms from insurer fol-lowing amendments 2 working days ACTION-PRODUCT-WEF xx/xx/xx Client queries or call backs required Same day *RNL-CONFIRMATION-DUE xx/xx/xx Renewal to be confirmed with client (single renewal product level/multiple renewals client level) 5 days before re-newal RNL-INSURER DOCS xx/xx/xx Renewal awaiting on cover insurer docs 5 working days PREMC FUNDING DUE xx/xx/xx Premium credit funding due Date funding due PREMC DEFAULT Premium credit default Same day PREMC AGREEMENT Premium credit agreement has not been signed Same day PREMC CANCELATION xx/xx/xx Premium credit cancellation request Same day

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22 E-file Labelling – Principles Activity Type - choose the most relevant from the drop down (see Activity Types guidance docu-ment) Highlighted Activity box - highlighted Activity should be selected for the following reasons only: - Motor Insurance Database (MID) log in details - Credits when the clients have requested money to be left on account - Anything which has happened mid-year which is likely to affect the renewal or which the Client Executive/Advisor will need to know prior to renewal discussions, this could be items such as the client advising that they have made redundancies through the year or used Rradar services, any dissatisfaction raised by the client surrounding service, claims or premiums etc. - Policy wording storage as per McClarrons moments 17/09/2021 A Highlighted activity can be removed by deselecting the box when no longer required or relevant. Activity Direction – choose the most relevant from the drop down box (Incoming, Internal or Out-going. Activity Date - this is pre-populated with the date you are adding the E-file note, however, should you not be able to add immediately you can alter this date. Please note that Acturis still records in the history the date when the note was actually added to the file. Activity Time - this is pre-populated with the time you are adding the E-file note, however, should you not be able to add immediately you can alter to the time of the action when you are adding the note. Please note that Acturis still records in the history the date when the note was actually added to the file. Description - the E-file note itself should always be, clear, concise and factual, covering the full details when in respect of conversations. - It should be titled with the appropriate product/department code from the instructions below, with the reminder of the title being a very brief overview of the content. Should fur-ther detail be required you can enter this below by pressing enter twice. - Titles should be in capitals and should not include spacing; this should be replaced with a hyphen. - Dates should only be included in the title where this is in reference to an MTA date or An-nual Renewal documentation. - “To” and “From” are not to be used within the title, this will have been capture by your earlier Activity Direction of incoming/outgoing selection. - For example: o HH-RNL-SCHEDULE-2024 o FM-QUOTE-ADDITONAL-DRIVER-JOHN-PETERS  Mrs Cape called to request a quote for John Peters to drive YY20 ABC, DOB 01/01/1970, no claims, no convictions, no medical conditions, li-cence held since 1990. Mrs Cape is aware exact details will be required should she wish to proceed with quote – confirmed I would speak with in-surers and call her back o FLEET-MTA-YY20ABC-REPLACES-DM12XYZ-01/01/2024  Advices regarding change of vehicle o COMB-MTA-ADD-MOBILE-PHONE-01/01/2024

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23  John called to add iPhone 10 value £900 with immediate effect, con-firmed I would action and forward documentation in due course for pay-ment Accounts - E-file Labelling Full Description E-file Code General comments ACC- HSBC banking correspondence ACC-HSBC- Insurer correspondence ACC-INS- Internal conversations surrounding client pay-ments ACC-DEBT- Credit control ACC-DEBT-CC- Affinity - E-file Labelling Full Product Target E-file Code High Value Household AHH- High Value Motor AM- Transaction/Document E-file Code Renewal RNL Mid-Term Adjustment MTA Cancellation CANX Declaration DEC Proposal form PROP Statement of Fact SOF Business Information Disclosure Form BIDF Schedule SCHEDULE Care - E-file Labelling Full Product Target Further Breakdown E-file Code Commercial Combined Domiciliary Care DOM- Supported Living SUPP- Day Care DAY- Care Homes CARE-H- Complex Care CXC- Children’s Homes CHILD-H- Charity CHARITY- Village Hall VH- Social, Farms & Gardens SF&G- Combined Liability LIABS- Legal Expenses ARAG Legal ARAG- Fleet/Non-Fleet Rated Commercial Motor FLEET- PI Package PI- Commercial Loss Recovery Lorega Loss Recovery LOREGA- Property Owners PO- Management Liability MLP- Office & Surgeries Office OFF- Surgery SUR- Clubs CLUB-

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24 Excess Liability Package XOL- Public Liability LIABS- Engineering Inspection ENG INSP- Tradesman & Professionals TM- Minibus MINI-B- Associations & Charity A&C- Commercial Vehicle Commercial Vehicle CV- Business Car BC- Cyber CYBER- Special Types ST- Event EVENT- Transaction/Document E-file Code Renewal RNL Mid Term Adjustment MTA Cancellation CANX Declaration DEC Proposal form PROP Statement of Fact SOF Business Information Disclosure Form BIDF Schedule SCHEDULE Claims - E-file Labelling Full Description E-file Code Coverage Advices CLM-CA- Documents Requested CLM-DR- Documents Obtained CLM-DO- Documents Sent CLM-DS- Further documents requested CLM-FDR- Further documents obtained CLM-FDO- Further documents sent CLM-FDS- Settlement requested from insurer CLM-SRI- Settlement requested from client CLM-SRC- Settlement obtained CLM-SO- Claim Status update requested CLM-SUR- Claim Status update obtained CLM-SUO- Claim Status update client CLM-SUC- Reserve Update CLM-RU- Closure Confirmation CLM-CC- Closure confirmation to client CLM-CCC- Commercial - E-file Labelling Full Product Target Further Breakdown E-file Code Combined Business Travel/PA/Sickness BUS-TRAV- Group Personal Accident & Sickness GPA- Personal Accident & Sickness Personal Accident PA- Personal Accident & Sickness PA&S- Commercial Combined Commercial Combined COMB- Pubs & Restaurants PRP- Contractors Combined CONTR-

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25 Cyber CYBER- Computer COMP- Engineering & Construction Hired in Plant HIP- Owned Plant PLT- Contractors All Risks CAR- Engineering Inspection INSP- Events EVENTS- Goods In Transit GIT- Tools In Transit TOOLS- Combined Liability LIABS- Excess Liability XOL- Marine/Cargo CARGO- Management Liability MLP- Commercial Vehicle Commercial Vehicle CV- Business Car BC- Fleet & Non-Fleet Rated Commercial Motor FLEET- Special Types ST- Motor Trade Combined (Internal & Road Risk) MTC- Internal Risk MTIR- Road Risk MTRR- Small Craft SC- Professional Indemnity PI- Property Owners PO- Rent Guarantee RG- Hotels HOTEL- Office & Surgeries Office OFF- Surgery SUR- Pubs & Restaurants PRP- Shops & Salon Shop SHOP- Salon SALON- Tradesman & Professional TM- Commercial Loss Recovery LOREGA- Legal Expenses Coplus Motor Legal MLE- ARAG Legal Expenses ARAG- Transaction/Document E-file Code Renewal RNL Mid Term Adjustment MTA Cancellation CANX Declaration DEC Proposal form PROP Statement of Fact SOF Business Information Disclosure Form BIDF Schedule SCHEDULE Farm - E-file Labelling Full Product Target Further Breakdown E-file Code Farm Combined FC- Non-Fleet/Fleet Rated Motor FM- Management Liability Management Liability MLP- Rural Protect RP- Combined Liability Equine ELC- Wind Turbine WTLC-

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26 Solar Panels SPLC- Livestock Equine EQ- Engineering ENG- Legal Expenses Motor MLE- Family FLE- Commercial Loss Recovery Lorega Loss Recovery LOREGA- Farming Livestock FL- Engineering Deterioration of Stock DOS- Professional Indemnity PI- Tradesman TM- Warehouse Keepers Liability WKL- Special Types Horse Box HB- Breakdown BD- Cyber CYBER- Small Crafts SC- Special Events EVENT- Working From Home WFH- Engineering Inspection ENG INSP- Transaction/Document E-file Code Renewal RNL Mid Term Adjustment MTA Cancellation CANX Declaration DEC Proposal form PROP Statement of Fact SOF Business Information Disclosure Form BIDF Schedule SCHEDULE Personal Lines - E-file Labelling Full Product Target Further Breakdown E-file Code Personal Household Combined HH- Private Car PC- Private Motorcycle MC- Caravan (Domestic) C-VAN- Personal Travel TRAV- Small Crafts SC- Special Types ST- Motor Breakdown BD- Agricultural Vehicle AV- Second Home SH- Vintage Car VC- Horse Box HB- Legal Expenses Family FLE- Motor MLE- Commercial Loss Recovery LOREGA- Transaction/Document E-file Code Renewal RNL Mid Term Adjustment MTA Cancellation CANX

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27 Declaration DEC Proposal form PROP Statement of Fact SOF Business Information Disclosure Form BIDF Schedule SCHEDULE

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28 Policy Descriptions The general guidelines to follow: Quotation <Product Target> Quotation – <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> New Business <Product Target> New Business – <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> Renewal <Product Target> Renewal – <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> Renewal Requote/Remarket <Product Target> Renewal Requote/Remarket – <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> MTA <Product Target> Mid-Term Adjustment -effective <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> Cancellation <Product Target> Cancellation – effective <Effective Date> – <Additional info as required (see below examples)> Examples for each team: - Property Owners Quotation – 1st January 2024 – 29 Market Place - Farm Motor Quotation – 1st January 2024 - Private Motor Renewal – 1st January 2024 – G2 FLA - Personal Household (contents only) Renewal – 1st January 2024 – 29 Market Place - Farm Combined Renewal – 1st January 2024 – High Snape Farm - Farm Combined New Business – 1st January 2024 - Employers Liability Renewal – 1st January 2024 - Motor Fleet Policy – G2 FLA added – effective 1st January 2024 - Commercial Combined – Cancellation – effective 1st January 2024 – Business Sold - Tradesman Renewal Requote/Remarket – 1st January 2024 Please note: - Company Names should not be used in descriptions – the Company Name/Client Name is shown on all invoices/letters & SODANs, therefore policies should be specific to the client level - If Household or Property Owners, use First Line of Address as additional info (unless multiple sites/properties impacted then leave additional information out) - If Private Motor or an MTA concerning individual vehicle, use Vehicle Registration as additional info - Don’t use insurer/provider name in descriptions - Don’t use word ‘Insurance’ in descriptions - Date should read in full (as in above examples)

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29 How to add a Contact 5. Open Acturis and select the ‘Broking’ tab at the top of the screen. 6. Go to the ‘Add’ section in the ‘Options’ tree on the left-hand side of the screen. There are 4 different types of contacts that you can add onto Acturis: - Company – A prospect or client. - Individual – A prospect or client. - Agent – An intermediary such as a sub broker. - Introducer – An intermediary who refers business to us. - Third Party – For example a loss adjustor, accountant or interested party. - Insurer – An insurer record for the purpose of storing files and diary entries.

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30 7. Select the contact that you would like to add, and it will bring up a blank form for com-pletion. Complete the mandatory questions highlighted in yellow. Once complete, these will change to white. Once all the questions are completed, click ‘Save’.

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31 How to add an Opportunity 1. Open Acturis and select the ‘Broking’ tab at the top of the screen. 2. Go to the ‘Add’ section in the ‘Options’ tree on the left-hand side of the screen.

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32 3. Select the contact that you would like to add (Company or Individual), and it will bring up a blank form for completion. Complete the mandatory questions highlighted in yellow. Once complete, these will change to white. Once all the questions are completed, click ‘Save’. 4. Select ‘Opportunities’ from the ‘Broking’ tree on the left hand side of the screen.

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33 5. Select ‘Add Opportunity’ from the ‘Options’ tree in the middle of the screen. 6. Complete all mandatory fields in yellow and click ‘Save’. *Tips*  All new business must be loaded as an opportunity before RFQ for conversion stats to be accurate.  If DOB is unknown enter 01/01/1900  Town/City in capital letters  Client Source – McClarrons/Soak Insure/McClarrons Sport  Equipsme – No  HMT – No  Account Handler – TBA  If you wish you can add a Task, Diary Start Date - 12 weeks prior. Title ‘Pro-spect: Name – due date’. However, the default is set to list in your pipeline 60 days prior to inception. 

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34 How to process New Business (Manual) 1. Select the ‘RFQs’ level from the ‘Broking’ panel and then select ‘Add RFQ’ from the ‘Op-tions’ panel. 2. Fill in the required fields with the following: a. Product Target – relevant product you are quoting on b. Effective Date – requested policy start date (if unknown, put a week ahead of to-days date) c. Term End Date – will be automatically generated when you put the start date in d. Account Exec Office – Malton or Hull e. Account Exec – choose relevant Client Executive (if not determined yet, choose TBA) f. Account Handler Office – Malton or Hull g. Account Handler – choose relevant Client Advisor (if not determined yet, choose TBA) h. RFQ Description - complete in line with the Policy Description Guidance Docu-ment. Once complete, click ‘Save’.

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35 3. Go to ‘Product Selection’ in the ‘Options’ panel and select the insurer products you re-quire. If you can’t find the insurer you require, ensure you untick the ‘Show Preferred & Selected Products Only’. 4. Go to ‘Risk Details’ in the ‘Options’ panel and input the details from the Fact Find. 5. Go to Claims History (if applicable), select ‘Add Claim’ and complete the required fields.

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36 6. Click ‘Submit’ in the ‘Options’ panel under the ‘Actions’ section. . 7. Then create a Market Presentation (submission) to send to insurers. Go to ‘Create Docu-ment’ in the ‘Options’ panel. Select ‘Risk Information’ from the drop-down box in ‘Docu-ment Category’, select ‘Submission document listing all answered questions’ and click

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37 ‘Create. Check the format of the document, save to the E-file as a PDF and send the sub-mission to the relevant insurers. *TIP* Don’t forget to create your email via Acturis! Simply click create email, use the ‘Insurer – New Business Quote required’ template and attach your submission by pressing the locate file tab! 8. Once quotation documents from the insurer are received, save them to the e-file and se-lect ‘Quotes Received’ in the ‘Options’ panel to view quote records. Highlight the required quote and select ‘Open Quote’.

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38 9. Select ‘Rating Amounts’ in the ‘Options’ panel, click ‘Edit’ and enter the Premium, Com-mission and Tax as detailed on the Insurer Schedule. 10. Select ‘Premium Summary’ from the ‘Options’ panel and select ‘Admin Fee’ to add our Admin Fee and select ‘Insurer Fee’ to add the insurer fee if applicable.

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39 11. Select ‘Client Requirements’ from the ‘Options’ panel. Here you can detail the cover, rec-ommend the quote and the reasons for doing so and highlight any endorsements/ex-cesses/exclusions/conditions etc of the policy. 12. Select ‘Rating Notes’ from the ‘Options’ panel and add in all endorsements/excesses/ex-clusions/conditions etc of the policy.

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40 *Tip* - ‘Add Standard Wording’ may already have detailed endorsements/excesses/exclu-sions/conditions etc of the policy, just select the relevant one ensuring they are the same. 13. Input your insurer details including insurers quote reference number (you will also include your policy number here). *Please note it is important to add your policy number prior to invoicing, so the policy number appears on the invoice*. You also need use the ‘Add’ function to include any underlying insurers. 14. If a Risk Register is required instead of the Insurer Schedule: a. Go to the Main Level b. Select ‘Create Multi-Risk Document’ c. Search Criteria – select ‘Quote’ and ‘Obtained’ d. Click ‘Select’ and then ‘Create’ e. ‘Template’ - 01 Standard Risk Register McClarrons (01 Standard Risk Register McClarrons) (Risk Registers) f. Click ‘Ok’ g. Check the format of the document is correct h. Save to the E-file as a PDF

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41 15. Next you need to create the Statement of Demands and Needs (SoDaN). a. Select ‘Create Document’ b. ‘Document Category’ – 02 McClarron Letters c. ‘Templates’ – SoDaN Commercial or SoDaN Consumer d. Click ‘Create’ and then ‘Ok’ e. Check the format of the document is correct f. Save to the E-file as a PDF 16. Go to the top of the screen and select the ‘More’ tab and select ‘Scanning’ use the Scan-ning Tool to merge the Quotation Documents into one file, in the following order: a. Register/Schedule b. SoDaN c. Key Facts/ IPID/Policy Summary d. Policy Wording e. Claims Guidance Documents (With only applicable cover type included) f. Plug into Acturis as a PDF on client level 17. Next you need to create the Quotation Letter: a. Go back to the RFQ level b. Select ‘Create Document’ c. ‘Document Category’ – choose your team d. ‘Templates’ – choose the relevant Quotation Letter template e. Click ‘Create’ and then ‘Ok’ f. Once the document is open in Word, check the following: i. Check the premium amounts have pulled through correctly ii. Remove the 2 Payment Options that are not applicable iii. Amend Broker Risk Register/Insurer’s Policy Schedule as applicable iv. Remove Statement of Fact if not applicable v. Remove any other bullet points that include documents that are not rele-vant vi. Amend all font colour to black vii. Plug into Acturis as a Word document and a PDF

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42 18. Create an email to send the quotation terms to the client as per the Email Guidance Doc-uments ensuring the following documents are attached and named as follows: a. Quotation Letter b. Quotation Documentation c. Terms of Business and Privacy Notice 19. Send the email and plug this into the E-file. 20. Add a task to chase confirmation: a. Select ‘Task Management’ from the ‘Options’ panel b. Click ‘Add’ c. ‘Activity Type’ – Diary d. ‘Start Date’ – select the date you wish the task to pop up e. Task Title: *CHASE CONFIRMATION* f. List within the description what needs to be done, example: i. Accept Acturis ii. Confirm with Insurer iii. Confirm payment method 21. Your E-file should now have the following activities: a. Insurer Quotation Documents b. SoDaN c. Risk Register (if applicable) d. Quotation Letter e. Quotation Documents f. Email – Quotation Terms to Client 22. Once client has confirmed if they would like to go ahead: a. Upload an Acturis entry in the E-file showing the clients instructions, either the Phone Note or Email Instructions from the client.

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43 23. Confirm cover with the insurers. Careful consideration must be taken if there have been various quotes/options provided by the insurer, you must be clear with the exact pre-mium and cover. Email to be plugged into Acturis. 24. Accept the RFQ and invoice with the correct payment method. a. Select ‘Accept Wizard’ from the ‘Options’ panel and follow the steps. 25. Send a Confirmation of Acceptance email to the client, attaching the following: a. Invoice b. Any applicable certificates c. Plug into Acturis 26. Update the existing task and forward for 5 working days to ensure the acceptance docu-ments are received from the insurer. Once Acceptance Documents are received from insurers. 27. Check insurer documents to ensure ALL DETAILS including the premium are correct. Once checked, if correct, these can be plugged into Acturis and sent to the client. If there are discrepancies, please query with insurers. 28. Mark the outstanding task complete.

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44 How to process a Renewal (Manual) If a review meeting has been held, you should have already submitted renewal amendments to insurers upon receipt of the meeting notes. 1. Update the relevant details on the main client level of Acturis in the ‘Options’ panel in-cluding: a. People & Locations i. Consent Details b. Company Details - Company Reg Number/ VAT Reg Number/Year Estab-lished/Number of Employees/Wageroll/Turnover/ELTO Details i. Check and update Business Description and ABI Trade code c. Report Questions i. Client Source ii. HMT Sanctions List Checked d. Ensure any known Related Contacts are updated e. Account Options i. Ensure Sanctions Check has been completed ii. Update Payment Terms with last year’s payment method f. Marketing Information – i. Contact Source ii. Source Detail iii. Complete Terms of Business – Sent to Client, Date, Version No. iv. Main Renewal Day g. Account Handlers – add/delete accordingly 2. Check ‘Task Management’, including any future tasks, action if necessary. 3. Make note of last year’s payment method. 4. Go to the latest version of the relevant policy and select ‘Process Renewal’ from the ‘Op-tions’ panel and complete ‘Policy Description’: a. ‘Product Name’ Insurance Renewal due ‘Renewal Date’ e.g., Farm Motor Insur-ance Renewal due 17th April 2023 5. Locate Renewal Terms from the E-file and ensure insurer documents match the ‘Risk De-tails’. If there are discrepancies, you must ensure these are checked and if required re-ferred to insurers. 6. Update ‘Client Requirements’ a. Client Needs – Select cover as applicable b. Select ‘Recommended Quote’ c. Basis of Recommendation – d. Single or Limited Insurer as required e. Name of Intermediary if required f. Covers Recommended but not taken up – McClarrons Factors Highlighted by Us – Please add in any endorsements or excesses that are stated on the insurer schedule g. Covers Requested by Client but not provided – McClarrons – Covers Not Provided 7. Check ‘Claims History’, taking note of any claims. Renewal (Manual) Guidance Document

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45 8. Update ‘Rating Notes’ with all endorsements/subjectivities/conditions/excesses as per the Renewal Schedule. 9. Select ‘Rating Amounts’ and input the renewal premium as per the renewal schedule – ensuring the IPT and Commission are correct. 10. Select ‘Premium Summary’ and add any insurer/admin fees that are included (if applica-ble). 11. Select ‘Insurer Details’, if applicable add the underlying insurer as noted on the insurer schedule. 12. Select ‘Documentation Compliance’ and accurately complete to reflect the correct dates and insert the TOBA Version Number. 13. On ‘Main Details’ check the policy number is correct as per the schedule and update if necessary. 14. Next you need to create the Statement of Demands and Needs (SoDaN). a. Select ‘Create Document’ b. ‘Document Category’ – 02 McClarron Letters c. ‘Templates’ – SoDaN Commercial or SoDaN Consumer d. Click ‘Create’ and then ‘Ok’ e. Check the format of the document is correct f. Save to the E-file as a PDF 15. If a Risk Register is required instead of the Insurer Schedule: a. Go to the Main Level b. Select ‘Create Multi-Risk Document’ c. Search Criteria – select ‘Renewal’ and ‘Obtained’ d. Click ‘Select’ and then ‘Create’ e. ‘Template’ - 01 Standard Risk Register McClarrons (01 Standard Risk Register McClarrons) (Risk Registers) f. Click ‘Ok’ g. Check the format of the document is correct h. Save to the E-file as a PDF 16. Next you need to create the Renewal Letter: a. Go back to the renewal policy level b. Select ‘Create Document’ c. ‘Document Category’ – choose your team d. ‘Templates’ – choose the relevant Renewal Letter template e. Click ‘Create’ and then ‘Ok’ f. Once the document is open in Word, check the following: i. Check the premium amounts have pulled through correctly ii. Remove the 2 Payment Options that are not applicable iii. Amend Broker Risk Register/Insurer’s Policy Schedule as applicable iv. Remove Statement of Fact if not applicable v. Include ‘Important Notice to Policyholder’ if applicable vi. Remove any other bullet points that include documents that are not rele-vant vii. Amend all font colour to black viii. Plug into Acturis as a Word document and a PDF

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46 17. Create the Business Information Disclosure Form if applicable: a. Go to the ‘Main Level’ b. Select ‘Create Document’ c. ‘Document Category’ – choose relevant team d. ‘Templates’ – select ‘Business Information Disclosure Form’ either email or post e. Click ‘Create’ and then ‘Ok’ f. Check the format of the document is correct g. Upload to the E-file as a Word document 18. Go to the top of the screen and select the ‘More’ tab and select ‘Scanning’ use the Scan-ning Tool to merge the Renewal Documentation into one file, in the following order: a. Register/Schedule b. SoDaN c. Important Notice to P/H (If applicable) d. Key Facts/ IPID/Policy Summary e. Policy Wording f. Claims Guidance Documents (With only applicable cover type included) g. Plug into Acturis as a PDF on client level 19. Create an email to send the renewal terms to the client as per the Email Guidance Docu-ments ensuring the following documents are attached and named as follows: a. Renewal Letter b. Renewal Documentation c. Business Information Disclosure Form (if applicable) d. Terms of Business and Privacy Notice 20. Send the email and plug this into the E-file. 21. Add a task to confirm renewal: a. Select ‘Task Management’ from the ‘Options’ panel b. Click ‘Add’ c. ‘Activity Type’ – Diary d. ‘Start Date’ – select the date you wish the task to pop up e. Task Title: *RNL CONFIRMATION ‘Renewal Date’ f. List within the description what needs to be done, example: i. Accept Acturis ii. Confirm with Insurer iii. Confirm payment method 22. Your E-file should now have the following activities: a. Insurer Renewal Invitation Documents b. SoDaN c. Risk Register (if applicable) d. Renewal Letter e. Renewal Documents f. Email – Renewal Terms to Client 23. Once client has confirmed renewal: a. Upload an Acturis entry in the E-file showing the clients renewal instructions, ei-ther the Phone Note or Email Instructions from the client.

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47 24. Confirm the renewal with the insurers. Careful consideration must be taken if there have been various quotes/options provided by the insurer, you must be clear with the exact renewal premium and cover to be renewed. Email to be plugged into Acturis. 25. Accept renewal and invoice with the correct payment method. a. Select ‘Accept Wizard’ from the ‘Options’ panel and follow the steps. 26. Send a Confirmation of Acceptance email to the client, attaching the following: a. Invoice b. Any applicable certificates c. Plug into Acturis 27. Update the existing task and forward for 5 working days to ensure the acceptance docu-ments are received from the insurer. Once Acceptance Documents are received from insurers. 28. Check insurer documents to ensure ALL DETAILS including the premium are correct. Once checked, if correct, these can be plugged into Acturis. If there are discrepancies, please query with insurers. 29. Mark the outstanding task complete.

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48 How to process a Mid-Term Adjustment (MTA) (Manual) 1. Open the client and go to the policy you are required to process the MTA on. 2. Select the latest version of the policy and select ‘Process MTA’ from the ‘Options’ panel, the below box will pop out. A lot of the information is pre-selected, however, please check these are correct: a. Effective Date – this will automatically populate with the date you are processing the MTA, amend this date if the MTA is from a previous/future date. b. Term End Date – this will automatically populate with the existing expiry date, it is very unlikely this is required to be changed, if you do require to change it, it is likely you should be processing a ‘Temporary Mid-Term Adjustment (TMTA)’. c. MTA Reason - Select the most appropriate from the drop-down menu. d. Check all other prepopulated information and change if required. e. Policy Description – complete in line with the policy description guidance docu-ment. Then click ‘Save’(please note all these can be edited once you save the MTA).

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49 3. This will then create you a ‘Obtained’ MTA policy line. Whilst on this line, go into ‘Risk De-tails’ in the ‘Options’ panel and make the relevant amendments to cover. 4. Contact the insurer via email, their online platform or phone to inform them of the rele-vant changes. Make sure that all communications with the insurer is noted on the E-File 5. The insurer will come back to you to confirm that the change has been made on their end by providing you with MTA documents. When these are received, check the documents to make sure that the changes you have requested have been actioned correctly and match the new risk details. Plug the new MTA documents into the E-File 6. On the insurer schedule, the insurer should have detailed whether an additional or return premium has been charged/returned for the change. Input this premium into Acturis via the ‘Rating Amounts’ in the ‘Options’ panel. If you have the ‘Gross Rate’ (net rate plus IPT), select ‘Premium Calculator’, input the total amount, and click ‘Ok’ and then ‘Save’.

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50 7. Go to ‘Premium Summary’ in the ‘Options’ panel and check all amounts match the in-surer schedule. If the insurer has an ‘Insurer Fee’, this can be added on the ‘Premium Summary’ screen via the ‘Insurer Fee’ button. 8. Select ‘Accept Wizard’ in the ‘Options’ panel and if applicable, invoice when prompted. *Tip*- If the amount is a Credit (return premium) the document will still be named invoice. When you are saving the document as a PDF, remember to change the name of the docu-ment to ‘Credit Note’. 9. Once the MTA has been accepted, the new policy line will either show as ‘Live’ or ‘Ac-cepted’ dependant on the MTA start date. At this point you need to send confirmation and documentation (if received) to the client. Go to ‘Create Document’, select the relevant ‘Document Category’, select either ‘MTA Documents Received’ or ‘MTA No Documents’ dependant on whether you have received revised documents from the insurer and then click ‘Create’.

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51 10. The letter should then pop up in word and pre-populate with the details from Acturis. Any-thing in red needs to be amended and then turned black. Once the letter is completed, save the document into the E-File as a Word document and a PDF. 11. Go to ‘Create Email’ in the ‘Options’ panel and select the following: a. Email Category – Policy b. Template Name – MTA Confirmation c. Contact Person – the name of the client you are going to be sending the MTA con-firmation and documents to. Then click ‘Ok’. 12. The email will pre-populate with certain information from the MTA, amend the wording where relevant and add any additional information into the email that you might want to draw the policyholders attention to (e.g., any new endorsements). 13. Click ‘Locate File’ and select the following documents: a. Mid-Term Adjustment Letter

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52 b. Relevant Insurer Documents (Schedule and Statement of Fact if provided) c. Invoice or Credit Note if relevant. 14. Once you have completed the email, select ‘Edit in Outlook’. This will bring the email up in Outlook. Proofread and make sure it looks right and then click ‘Send’. It will then auto-matically prompt you to plug the email into the E-File.

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53 How to process a Cancellation (Manual) 8. Select the latest version of the policy and select ‘Process Cancellation’ in the ‘Options’ panel. 9. Enter the cancellation date in ‘Effective Date’ and select a ‘Cancellation Reason’. Com-plete ‘Policy Description’: - Cancellation of ‘Product Name’ policy with effect from ‘Cancellation Date’ (e.g., Can-cellation of Farm Motor policy with effect from 22nd May 2023) 10. Use the ‘Create Email’ screen to send an email to the insurer instructing them to cancel the policy with effect from the date given and plug into the E-file. 11. When you receive Cancellation terms from the insurer, plug them into the e-file and check the ‘Premium Summary’ screen in the ‘Options’ panel. Acturis will calculate a pro-rata return premium. This can be amended on the ‘Rating Amounts’ screen to the cor-rect return premium shown on the insurer schedule. 12. Return to the ‘Premium Summary’ screen to check the premium against the insurer schedule. Apply any fees or retained income using the ‘Commission Discount’ field. 13. Select ‘Accept’ from the ‘Options’ panel and invoice when prompted. 14. Create a ‘Cancellation Letter’. Stay on the latest version of the policy and select ‘Create Document’ and ‘Cancellation Letter’ amend accordingly and plug into the e-file. 15. Use the ‘Create Email’ screen to send an email to the client confirming the cancellation of their policy and attach the following: a. Cancellation Letter b. Cancellation Schedule (if applicable) c. Credit Note 16. Request a refund to the client from the accounts team if they pay via cash (using the ‘Re-quest Refund’ process). If you don’t have bank details on file, request these from the cli-ent when sending the confirmation email. 17. If the client has other policies, check whether this was the ‘Main Policy’. If so, assign the other relevant policy as ‘Main Policy’ for the client.

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54 How to create a Multi-Policy Finance Quote 1. Make sure all policies you are wanting to include within the Finance Quote are in ‘Ob-tained’ status. 2. Select one of your obtained quotes (whether this is at policy or RFQ level) and click ‘Fi-nance Quote’ in the ‘Options’ panel.

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55 3. You will then be taken to the ‘Finance Quote Wizard’ screen, which will show you the de-tails of the quote you created the Finance Quote from. In the bottom left of the screen, click ‘Select Transaction’. 4. You will then get a pop out screen which shows all other policies in ‘Obtained’ status. You can then select the additional quotes you want to add into your ‘Finance Quote’, then click ‘Ok’.

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56 5. It will then show all selected quotes, select them all and then click ‘Next’. 6. You are then taken to the ‘Payment Options’ screen. Select the following options for the required fields and then click ‘Next’: a. Invoice Account – Client Account b. Invoice Method - Finance Provider (Intergrated) c. Finance Provider - PCL-FMIS

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57 7. You are then taken to the ‘Plan Selection’ screen. Select the ‘Plan Name’ – ‘10 Instal-ments, 18 Days’. It will automatically calculate the plan, which is summarised in ‘Plan Summary’ and ‘Instalment Summary’.  Please note that the ‘Plan’ will only show the current rates, if the inception/renewal of the quotes are after a Premium Credit rate change, select ‘Override Rates’ and change the ‘Gross Finance Charge %’ to the new rate, this will update the plan to the future rate, then click ‘Ok’ to apply.

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58 8. The ‘Finance Quote’ should then be ready to create. Click ‘Create Finance Quote’ and then ‘Continue’. 9. This should then change all selected quotes into ‘Finance Quote’ status. To create the ‘Premium Finance Document’, select one of the policies in ‘Finance Quote’ status, click ‘Create Document’, select the relevant Document Category (e.g., Commercial), and then select ‘Premium Finance Information Document’. Click ‘Create’, then ‘Ok’ and select ‘PREMC’ from the ‘Contents Options’ then click ‘Ok’.

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59 10. Your ‘Premium Finance Information Documen’t will then pull through the ‘Premium Credit Finance Quote’ for all quotes you had previously selected. Amend anything further on the document in red and then save into the E-file as a PDF, so it is ready to send to the client.

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60 Policies Non-Refundable on a Pro-Rata Basis 1. Acturis automatically shows all policies as being refundable on a pro-rata basis. However, some policies are arranged on a minimum deposit basis or short rate cancelation charges apply. In these circumstances, Acturis should be updated accordingly. 2. Select the policy and select ‘Additional Details’ in the ‘Options’ panel. 3. If the policy is not refundable change ‘Policy Refundable’ to ‘No.’ 4. If policy is refundable but not pro-rata, change ‘Refund Type’ to ‘Minimum Deposit’ or ‘Short Rate’.

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61 Adding an Underlying Insurer 1. When arranging insurance through an intermediary who are not insurers, details of the underlying insurer needs to be shown in Acturis. 2. Select the policy and select ‘Insurer Details’ in the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Click ‘Add’ at the bottom of the screen and select ‘Underlying Insurer’. 4. Select the name of the underlying insurer from ‘Insurer’ and click ‘Save’. 5. insurer from ‘Insurer’ and click ‘Save’.

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62 6. If the underlying insurer holds less than 100% of the risk, then double click on the under-lying insurer and amend the ‘Risk Percentage’ to the relevant amount. You will then need to add the other underlying insurers following the same process. 7. The details of the underlying insurers should be shown on the Policy Schedule or Quotation Schedule. If the full details are not shown on these documents, you will need to contact the intemediary and obtain these. 8. If any of the underlying insurers are not available on Acturis, please contact Kate Hodg-son.

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63 How to Create a Refund Request Email to Accounts 1. Go onto the Client Level, check that the client balance is a credit. Click ‘Create Email’ from the ‘Options’ panel. Select ‘Refund Request’ and then click ‘OK’. 2. Acturis will automatically populate the Client Reference, Client Name and Amount to be Refunded (please check this is the right amount to be refunded). You then need to add in the following information: a. Insurer b. Transaction Effective Date c. Type of Transaction d. Originating Payment Method: e. Client BACS Details Then click ‘Edit in Outlook’.

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64 3. This will open the email in your Outlook and automatically add the Client Refence number into the subject line. Add in the accounts email address ( and then click ‘Send’. 4. This will automatically bring up the ‘Add Activity’ window to allow you to save the email into the E-file. Retitle the ‘Description’ as per the E-file labelling guidance and click ‘Save’, which will then save this into the E-file.

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65 How to add the Scanning Module 1. This process needs to be used when the ‘Scanning’ module does not appear within the top tabs on your Acturis. 2. Close Acturis and go to your Desktop Taskbar at the bottom of your screen. 3. Click the up arrow at the right-hand side of your screen. Right click on the Acturis Icon and select ‘Settings’. 4. Select ‘Other Modules’ and select ‘Enable Scanning Module’ and ‘Enable Native Scanner Settings’. Click ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’. 5. If the Scanning Module does not appear at first, a computer reset may be required.

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66 How to add a Client Fee 1. At Client Level, open ‘Fees’ from the ‘Broking Tree’. 2. In the ‘Options’ column select ‘Add Fee’. 3. In ‘Fee Type’, select the most relevant of the below fee names: a. Broker Fee b. Claims Management Fee c. Consultancy Fee d. Leakage/Commission Discount e. Premium Finance Waiver and/or Card Fee - Complete the ‘Effective Date’ which should match the Effective Date of the Main Policy. Except for ‘Consumer Premium Finance Waiver’ which should match the Cancellation Date - Complete ‘Account Team’ and add a detailed ‘Fee Description’* - Click ‘Save’

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67 4. Within ‘Fee Amounts’, complete the mandatory ‘Fee Amount’ field. Click ‘Save’. 5. Select ‘Accept Now’ and then follow the ‘Accept Wizard’ and ‘Invoice/Credit Note’. Client Fee - Definitions Fee Name Explanation Policy or Fee Level Admin Fee This is a McClarrons Fee and applicable for each and every policy in addition to the amount charged by in-surers. Admin Fees are non-refundable and applica-ble on all policies when commission is our main in-come. Amount charged, per policy, per team: £75.00 Commercial, Farm and Care £50.00 Affinity £25.00 Personal Lines Admin Fees to be capped at £600 (8 policies x £75) Policy Level Only Broker Fee This is an Annual Fee when all policies are net of commission. NB: for Wooden Dollar Cases, we can charge multiple Broker Fees to ensure each team re-ceives their relevant income. Fee Module Only Claims Management Fee A Claims Management Fee is separate to all other fees and can be charged when pre-agreed with a cli-ent for any work in addition to the normal claims management services, e.g. recovering uninsured losses. NB: All Claims Management Fees must be discussed and agreed with Head of Claims before engaging with the client. Fee Module Only Consultancy Fee A Consultancy Fee is separate to all other fees and can be charged when pre-agreed with a client for any work in addition to normal broking services, e.g. con-tract reviews. Fee Module Only

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68 Leakage/Commission Discount To be used only where we have reduced our income, commission, fee, small balance unpaid, an admin er-ror, or bad debt. NB: The Description must detail ex-actly why we have written this off. i.e. Admin Error, Bad Debt, Discount. All Leakage must be pre-agreed by the Head Of and noted in the e-File. Fee Module Only Premium Finance Waiver and/or Card Fee The difference between the Premium Finance claw-back and the insurer premium refund on Consumer agreements only. The % charged for business credit card payments. Fee Module Only

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69 How to add a Related Contact 1. The Related Contacts screen is used to connect the client to other records they are asso-ciated with. In order to add a Related Contact you must go onto the original client first. Click on the top Client Level and select ‘Related Contacts’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 2. Click ‘Add’ and select the relevant option from the drop down list: - Agent – each RFQ processed once the connection to made will inherit default agent commission rates. - Introducer – Attaches the client to an introducer record meaning that each RFQ. It will inherit any default commission rates. - Parent – Attaches to a parent company so that billing can be directed to the client. - Group – Works in a similar way to parent connection. You can choose to bill the group. - Commercial – Cross-referencing purposed only. - Personal – Cross-referencing purposes only. - Interested Party – attaches to an interested party e.g. managing agent, mortgagee, landlord.

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70 3. Search the name of the relevant contact you wish to add as the Related Contact in ‘Name/Surname’, select the contact and click ‘OK’. 4. Add any notes you wish in ‘Notes’ and click ‘OK’.

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71 Using the Client Survey Field on Acturis To enable us to conduct client surveys and obtain feedback on our performance and client servic-ing, as well as obtaining our NPS score, we need to be able to identify the clients whom it may not be appropriate to send a survey to; such instances would be if the client is part way through our complaints process, have very recently already given us their explicit feedback (positive or negative), have ceased trading – essentially, any circumstance where sending the survey would not be appropriate. Please note that this is not to be used to avoid negative feedback. To be able to identify these cases, we have a built a report question into Acturis; this can be found at Main Client Level - options panel – report questions – Client Survey. For all live clients, using Acturis Automation, we are updating this field to Yes (in August 2022). Moving forward, for all new clients, you will need to complete this field. Where it is deemed inappropriate to send the Client Survey, this field should be completed as No. A reason must also be given if No is selected so that we can understand, and evidence, why it is that not all clients have received a survey. There are various options that can be selected (see below).

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72 These emails will be sent to clients after their Main Policy renews – anywhere from the day after up to 5 weeks after. Therefore, this field must be updated at the time when you establish it would be inappropriate to send a survey when their Main Policy renews. Survey results will be obtained and reviewed to see how we are performing as a business and to identify any areas in which we need to improve.

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73 How to Access the TEST Environment 1. Close Acturis and go to your Desktop Taskbar at the bottom of your screen 2. Click the up arrow at the right-hand side of your screen. Right click on the Acturis Icon and select ‘Settings’ 3. Select ‘Environments’ 4. Click ‘Add’ and select ‘TEST’ form the ‘Environment’ drop down box and click ‘Ok’ 5. Go to the Home tab and use the ‘Environment’ drop down field and select ‘TEST’, then click ‘Ok’ and ‘Apply’ 6. You then just need to log in to Acturis as usual 7. Once you have finished using the TEST environment, close Acturis, go back to the settings in the Acturis Assistant icon and change the ‘Environment’ back to ‘Production’

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74 How to Transfer a Client Executive 1. Open the contact you want to transfer on Acturis. 2. On the Main Level go to ‘Main Details’ in the ‘Options’ panel, use the dropdown under ‘Account Executive’ and select the correct Client Executive you are changing the account to. a. Where the client has more than one CE ensure this is the primary CE 3. Select the relevant policy and go to the Live level. 4. Under the ‘Options’ panel select ‘Report Questions’ and complete ‘Previous Account Ex-ecutive’ and ‘Date of exec transfer’ with the relevant information. 5. Under the ‘Options’ panel, under ‘Actions’ select ‘Reassign Policy’

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75 6. A pop out box will appear 7. Under ‘Account Exec’ change this to the new CE and amend ‘Account Team’ where appli-cable. 8. Click ‘Save’ 9. Repeat for each policy where relevant.

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76 How to create a Grid View Risk Spreadsheet Property Owners 1. Select the relevant policy and go to the Live level. 2. Go onto the ‘Risk Details’ under the ‘Options’ panel and select ‘Property Owners’ under the ‘Product Tree’. 3. Select ‘Grid View’ and ‘Core Premises Cover Sections’. 4. Select ‘Create Template’ and click ‘OK’

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77 5. The spreadsheet will automatically generate with the populated risk information; from here, you can remove columns, edit, etc. and save where necessary.

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78 Fleet 1. Select the relevant policy and go to the Live level. 2. Go onto the ‘Risk Details’ under the ‘Options’ panel and select ‘one of the vehicle categories under the ‘Product Tree’. 3. Select ‘Grid View’ and ‘Vehicle’. 4. Select ‘Create Template’ and click ‘Ok’

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79 5. The spreadsheet will automatically generate with the populated risk information; from here, you can remove columns, edit, etc. and save where necessary.

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80 How to add a Void and Clone Policy 1. Select the policy version that needs to be voided (must have status of Live or Accepted). 2. Select ‘Void <Business Event>’ under ‘Actions’ in the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Enter a ‘Void Reason’, click ‘Save’ and invoice when prompted. 4. The policy version will now have a status of ‘Voided’ and the previous policy version will have a status of ‘Live’ or ‘Accepted’. 5. If the transaction needs to be re-processed correctly, from the voided policy version, select ‘Clone <Business Event>’ under ‘Actions’ in the Options’ panel and choose to pull through existing amounts, click ‘Save’. 6. An ‘Obtained’ policy version has now been created. Update the relevant field to make the required corrections and click ‘Save’. 7. Accept and Invoice in the usual way.

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81 Reporting Questions- Cancellation or Lapse Transaction Cancellation 1. Where the client has cancelled the policy mid-term, the reporting should be undertaken on the cancellation transaction. 2. Select the cancellation line and select ‘Report Questions’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Under ‘Cancellation/Lapse Reason’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list: a. Transfer Lapse – transferring to another insurer or insurer product b. Pure Lapse – policy lapsed or cancelled completely c. Mid-Term Lapse – policy cancelled 4. Under ‘Lapse Reason’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list. 5. Click ‘Save’ Lapse 1. Where the renewal is not accepted by the client, the reporting would be on the last Live policy version/Expired version NOT a Rejected or Declined version. 2. Select the relevant version and select ‘Report Questions’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Under ‘Cancellation/Lapse Reason’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list: a. Transfer Lapse – transferring to another insurer or insurer product b. Pure Lapse – policy lapsed or cancelled completely c. Mid-Term Lapse – policy cancelled 4. Under ‘Lapse Reason’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list. 5. Click ‘Save’

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82 Reporting Questions – Contact Level 1. You must fill in the report questions correctly to ensure that senior management reports are an accurate reflection of the transaction. 2. Go to the main client level and select ‘Report Questions’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Under ‘Client Source’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list: a. McClarrons – existing or previous clients of McClarrons and ALL new clients b. Richmond – existing or previous client of B E Thompson at Richmond c. Chapmans - existing or previous client of Chapmans Insurance Consultants d. Ullyotts - existing or previous client of Ullyotts (Insurance) Limited e. Seekings & Wardle - existing or previous client of Seekings & Wardle f. McClarrons Sport – McClarrons Sport client 4. Click ‘Save’.

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83 Reporting Questions – Policy Level/Quote Level Policy Level 1. You must fill in the report questions correctly to ensure that senior management reports are an accurate reflection of the transaction. 2. Go to the live policy level and select ‘Report Questions’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Under ‘Policy Source’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list: a. McClarrons – existing or previous clients of McClarrons and ALL new clients b. Richmond – existing or previous client of B E Thompson at Richmond c. Chapmans - existing or previous client of Chapmans Insurance Consultants d. Ullyotts - existing or previous client of Ullyotts (Insurance) Limited e. Seekings & Wardle - existing or previous client of Seekings & Wardle f. McClarrons Sport – McClarrons Sport client 4. Click ‘Save’. Quote Level 1. You must fill in the report questions correctly to ensure that senior management reports are an accurate reflection of the transaction. 2. Go to the relevant quote level and select ‘Report Questions’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 3. Under ‘New Status’ select the relevant option from the drop-down list: a. Migration – existing or previous policy of acquisition broker b. Pure New – not held product target with previous policy period c. Transfer New – previously held product target just changing insurer or insurer product 4. Click ‘Save’.

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84 How to access the Acturis Academy 1. Log into Acturis and select ‘My Account’ in the top right-hand corner of the screen. 2. Then select ‘Academy’ from the drop-down list. This will direct you straight to the Acturis Academy. 3. Once you have completed the introduction course, please contact Sophie Allen so she is able to enrol you onto the relevant courses.

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86 Transfer of Agency Process 1. Complete General Fact Find, Products Fact Find(s) and Transfer of Agency Form. 2. If Financial History Information Declared - follow Financial History Process 3. CE to arrange meeting with CA to review information provided. 4. Add RFQs to Acturis for each policy type – risk details to be updated later 5. If policy(s) are transferrable, send Transfer of Agency Letters for each insurer for client to copy onto Letterhead along with TOBA/Privacy Notice. To be signed by Managing Director, Director, or Finance Director if Limited Company, if not Limited to be signed by individual named as policyholder, dated and returned. 6. If paid by Premium Credit send Letter of Appointment for client to copy onto Letterhead, complete the agreement number, signed as above, dated and returned (not to be sent to Premium Credit until the transfer of the policy(s) is complete) 7. Send the Transfer of Agency Letter to insurer(s), requesting: - Schedule - Statement of Fact or Proposal Form (if applicable) - Policy Wording - Claims Experience - Claims Listing - Any other relevant information 8. Add task to follow up if documents not received 9. Transfer complete 10. Send Letter of Appointment to Premium Credit to transfer the Credit Agreement to our Agency 11. CA to update Acturis RFQ(s) with Risk Details and Rating Notes as noted on the Schedule(s) and accept at nil premium. 12. CE to review Fact Find(s), email and discuss any changes with CA. 13. CA to make relevant changes on Acturis and with insurer(s).

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87 How to use Activity Types Activity Type Name Example Usage Email Emails to clients/prospects/insurers/internal SoDaN SoDaNs Letter Client/Insurer Letters Invoice Invoice Diary When completing a task noted under Diary Insurer Document Any Insurer Documents Phone Calls with clients/insurers/prospects/internal Schedule Insurer Schedules Compliance Terms of Business, Multi Occupancy Disclosure Document Policy Wording Insurer Policy Wordings System Workflow When completing a task noted under System Workflow Statement of Fact Insurer Statement of Facts Comment Referrals/general notes/debit card payments Risk Information FactFinds/AXA Calcs Policy Summary Insurer Policy Summary Forms Proposal Forms/BIDs/FactFinds Renewal Notice Insurer Renewal Notice's Quote Breakdown Premium Splits Certificate Insurer Certificates of Cover Premium Finance Premium Finance Document Underwriter Submission Submissions to insurers NCD Information NCD Information Pathway Email Pathway Emails Client Statement Client Statement of Account Meeting Meetings with clients/prospects/insurers/internal Post Post Other Anything that doesn't fit in any other category Insurer Statement Rec Accounts - Insurer Statements Cover Note Insurer Cover Notes Notice to Policyholder Insurer Notice to Policyholder Insurer Product Information Document IPID Claims Experience Client/Prospect Claims Experience Pending Transaction Accounts - for unprocessed invoices Image Any images a client/prospect may send SMS Any SMS communication with clients/prospects Insurer Docs Task - Any insurer documents that you get through the post Risk Register Risk Register Quotation Insurance Proposal Quotation Insurance Proposal Renewal Insurance Proposal Renewal Insurance Proposal Key Facts Insurer Key Facts Document Webchat Any webchat communication with insurers Meeting Minutes Any meeting minutes from client/prospect meetings

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88 Acturis Mobile App Device Registration and Log On 1. The Acturis mobile application can be found in the Apple App Store by searching for the term “Acturis”. 2. Download the app to your work phone. 3. The Register Device screen will load when the mobile application is opened for the first time. 4. Insert your Acturis Username, Acturis Password and Registration Key: DA9AFD48-8AC0-4D44-B32D-F653A9C4A36E and click Register. 5. An Activation Code will then be sent to Beth McClarron via email which she will forward on once received. 6. Go back into the app and enter your Acturis Username, Acturis Password and the Activa-tion Code and click Activate. 7. You should now be logged in. For future log ins, please just use your Acturis Username and Password. General and Navigation Attachments Frame The Attachments frame allows the user to view files stored on the record. Pressing the Add button allows the user to add a file to the Attachments frame using one of the following:  Find in Electronic File – pressing this option will load a screen to allow the user to locate a file in the mobile application  Upload File from Device – pressing this option will use the mobile device’s file system ap-plication to locate a file on the mobile device  On Android devices the files which can be uploaded will include photos  Upload from Photos – pressing this option will use the mobile device’s Photos app to lo-cate a photo on the mobile device  This option is only available on Apple devices  Take a Picture – pressing this option will load the mobile device’s default camera app to allow the user to take a photo to upload

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89 When a file is displayed in the Attachments frame, the following actions are available:  Open – pressing the file will open the file in the native app on the mobile device for that file type  Download – for Android devices, pressing the file will load an overlay menu with Open and Download options  The Download action is not available on Apple devices  Rename – pressing the Edit button will allow the user to rename the file  Remove – pressing the Remove icon will allow the user to remove the file from the record Note: The Rename and Remove actions are only available when editing a record. Opening Files In order to open a file from the mobile application, a third-party app capable of opening the file must be installed on the device. Email messages (with extensions .msg and .eml) will be opened in the mobile application. When opening a file on an Apple device, the file will be first opened in the Apple File Viewer. The user may then press the Share button in the top right of the screen in order to open the file in a third-party app. Create Email The process for sending emails from the mobile application depends on the email settings config-ured in the mobile application and the operating system of the mobile device. There are two con-figurable options:  Sending the email from an email application on the mobile device  Sending the email directly from the Acturis mobile application via SMTP

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90 The email sending settings can be configured on the Email Settings screen of the mobile applica-tion. More information can be found on the following screens:  Send from Email Application - iOS  Send from Email Application - Android  Send from Acturis - SMTP  Email Activity Send from Email Application - iOS When using the iOS operating system, the email will be sent via the iPhone Mail app. This will load a pop-up allowing the user to review and edit the email, including the From, To and Subject fields, before it is sent. Note: Any updates to the email completed in the Mail app will not be reflected in the Acturis Activ-ity record. If the email is sent through the Mail app, the Activity record will be added to Acturis. If the email is saved as a draft, a pop-up will be loaded to prompt the user to save the Activity. Send from Email Application - Android When using the Android operating system, the email will be sent via the email app installed on the user’s device. This will load a pop-up to the user allowing them to review and edit the mes-sage before it is sent. Note: Any updates to the email completed in the email app will not be reflected in the Acturis Ac-tivity record. The Create Email functionality will use the default email app on the mobile device. If no default exists, on first loading Create Email the user will be prompted to select a default email app. It is not possible for the mobile application to detect whether an email was sent successfully. Once the Android email pop-up is closed, a pop-up will be loaded to prompt the user to confirm whether the email was sent.  Selecting the Email Sent option will close the Create Email screen and add the Activity record to Acturis.  Selecting the No Email Sent option will keep the Create Email screen open, and no Activ-ity record will be added to Acturis.

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91 Where more than one email account is configured for the device’s email app (for example a per-sonal and work account), the functionality will vary depending on the selected email app. Send from Acturis - SMTP Where the configuration is set to send emails directly from the Acturis mobile application via SMTP, the credentials and connectivity options captured in the mobile application will be used to send the email via the SMTP protocol. Note: Any updates made to the email body will be reflected in the Acturis Activity record. Email Activity The Create Email functionality within the mobile application will save the details of the sent email in the Description field on the Activity. The following email information will be saved to the Activity Description:  Subject  Template Name  Recipients  Body It will not be possible to edit the Activity Description prior to creating the Activity. Any attachments on the sent email will be added to the Activity as separate attachments. Note: This functionality differs from Release 7, where the sent email is attached to the Activity as an msg file.

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92 Connectivity Notification If the device is unable to connect to Acturis, a red offline notification will display at the top of the screen. When the connection is restored, a green reconnected notification will display. As per the stale screen notification, these notifications also display the time that screen was last loaded. Pressing the Refresh button on the reconnected notification will reload the screen. Context Card The context card allows the user to view where they are in a record, and to navigate to a different level in the navigation tree.

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93 The context card is displayed when the user is in a record. The card will show the Context Type and Detail of the selected record, plus the Contact Name. Pressing the text will load the summary screen for the record. There are two buttons available on the Context Card:  More button  Contact button More Button The More button allows the user to navigate to the parent record(s) of the selected record, for ex-ample from a Quote to its parent RFQ or its parent Contact, or to the Home screen. Pressing the More button will show an icon for each of the records which can be navigated to. Pressing the Home button will navigate the user to the Home screen. Pressing one of the context buttons will navigate the user to the summary screen for that context. Risk Navigation Bar When viewing Risk Details, the Context Card is replaced with a Risk Navigation Bar. The navigation bar displays the current position and total number of Risk Sections at the current level, and details of the Type and Name of the current Risk Section. Pressing the previous or next buttons navigates through the Risk Sections at that level.

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94 This navigation bar is hidden when the Risk Details are being edited. Find in Results Button The Find in Results button allows the user to search within the results displayed on the screen. Pressing the Find in Results button will display a Find search field to allow the user to type in a search term. More Button The More button allows the user to perform actions on a record. Pressing the More icon will load an overlay menu of actions available on the record. Note: The actions available in the More button will be similar to those available in the Options button in Release 7. Screens Button

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95 The Screens button allows the user to access different screens at the current context. Pressing the Screens button will launch a Screens overlay menu which provides the list of screens which can be launched. Search Criteria Button The Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria and perform a new search.

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96 Pressing the Search Criteria button will load an overlay screen to allow the user to select their search criteria. Pressing Apply will run the search with the new criteria. Note: The search criteria available will be a subset of the criteria available on the corresponding Locate screen in Release 7.

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97 Stale Screen Notification The stale screen notification informs the user that the details displayed on the screen may no longer be current. A screen will go stale if it is returned to after 5 minutes, or the user performs an action or update on an overlay another screen which may have made the base screen go stale. When a screen is stale, a notification will display on the top of the screen to indicate when the screen was last loaded. Pressing the Refresh button will reload the screen. Home Screens Home The Home screen provides the user with a summary of their work in progress and open items. The Screen Toolbar contains Account and Add buttons. Pressing the Account button loads a menu with the following options:  Switch User  Log Off Pressing the Add button loads the Add screen, an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task - Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Contact - Pressing this action loads the Add Contact screen The second frame contains a welcome message and the user’s name. If the user has Switch User access then welcome message is replaced with the name of the entity which they are currently logged in to.

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98 The third frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Favourites – Pressing this tile loads the Favourites screen  Recent Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Recent Contacts screen  Assigned Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Assigned Tasks screen  Pinned Items – Pressing this tile loads the Pinned Items screen  Report Inbox – Pressing this tile loads the Report Inbox screen  Shortcuts – Pressing this tile loads the Shortcuts screen  Snapshots – Pressing this tile loads the Snapshots screen  Help - Pressing this tile allows the Help Files to be accessed. Note: The Home screen is similar to the Home Module in Release 7. Favourites The Favourites screen shows the list of Contact records which have been marked as a favourite. Each Contact is shown as a tile. The icon on the left of the tile shows the Contact Type of the Con-tact. Pressing a tile loads the Contact. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Remove Note: The list of favourite Contacts is shared between Release 7 and the mobile application. If a Contact is marked as a favourite in one then it appears in the other.

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99 Assigned Tasks The Assigned Tasks screen shows the list of open Tasks assigned to the user. The screen is split into two tabs to show all Tasks and Overdue Tasks only. Each assigned Task is displayed as a tile. The icon on the left of the tile shows the status of the Task. Pressing a tile loads the Task. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Defer Task  Complete Task  Pin  Reassign  Self-Assign  Unassign  Reject Task Note: This is the equivalent of the Assigned Tasks screen in the Home Pinned Items The Pinned Items screen shows the list of items which the user has pinned. The screen is split into two tabs to show non-Task items and Task items.

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100 Each item is displayed as a tile. The icon on the left of the tile shows the context of the pinned item. Pressing a tile loads the item. For Items, long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Item - this option opens the selected context  Remove - this option unpins the selected context For Tasks, long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  View Task - this option opens the Task screen for the selected Task  Defer Task - this option initiates the Defer Task action for the selected Task  Complete Task - this option initiates the Complete Task action for the selected Task  Unpin - this option unpins the selected Task.  Reassign - this option loads the Reassign Task screen for the selected Task  Self-Assign - this option loads the Self-Assign Task screen for the selected Task  Unassign - this option loads the Unassign Task pop-up for the selected Task  Reject Task - this option loads the Reject Task screen for the selected Task  Reply - this option loads the Reply screen for the selected Task Note: The list of pinned items is shared between Release 7 and the mobile application. If an item is pinned in one then it appears in the other. Shortcuts The Shortcuts screen shows the list of website shortcuts which the user has selected. Each shortcut is shown as a tile. Pressing a shortcut loads the URL in the device’s default browser. Note: The Shortcuts screen will only display website URLs. Any configured local or network file di-rectories are not displayed in the mobile application.

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101 Snapshots The Snapshots screen shows the set of available snapshot reports. Each snapshot reports folder is displayed as a tile. Pressing a snapshot report folder loads the list of available snapshot reports within that folder. Each snapshot report is displayed as a tile.

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102 Pressing or long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  View Report – opens the selected Report within the mobile application  Open as Excel  Open as PDF Note: It is possible to set the availability of the Open as Excel and Open as PDF options through configuration to prevent data from being saved locally to the mobile device. Search The Search screen allows the user to search for a record within the application. The screen is split into two tabs to show the current search and the list of recent searches. Pressing the Search Type icon, to the left of the Search field, allows the user to select the Context Type to search on, along with the Search On value. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the se-lected Search Type.

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103 The Recent Searches list allows the user to run searches using the same criteria as previous searches. The list of recent searches are displayed as tiles. Pressing a recent search tile runs the search using the criteria listed on the tile. After a search has been run, pressing a result tile loads the record.

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104 Contacts The Contacts screen shows the list of Contact records where the logged in user is the Account Ex-ecutive or Account Handler. Each Contact is shown as a tile. Pressing the Find in Results button displays a Find search field to allow users to enter a search term to filter the list of Contacts. Pressing a tile loads the contact card for the Contact. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Contact  View Contact Card Search Settings The Search Settings screen allows the user to configure which search criteria are available in the mobile application. Choosing a Search Options value will update the search options available in the Search screens in the mobile application  Basic – A cut down set of Search On values will be available  Default – The most commonly used Search On values will be available  All – All of the Search On values available in Release 7 will be available

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105 SMS Settings SMS messages can now be configured to send via the Acturis SMS service alongside the previ-ously available Device SMS method. The SMS Settings Screen contains the following:  Device Sending Supported o Indicates whether the device supports SMS.  Device Sending Enabled o Indicates whether the Device SMS sending method is selectable. o The mobile only configuration option “Send SMS - Allow Device Sending” can be used to control the availability of the “Device SMS” sending method.  Acturis Sending Enabled o Indicates whether the Acturis SMS sending method is selectable. o The “Acturis SMS” option functions as per the Send SMS functionality in Release 7, and the availability of this option is controlled by the same configuration.  SMS Sending Method o A dropdown containing the following options:  Disabled  Device SMS (if available)  Acturis SMS (if available) Image Settings The Image Settings screen allows the user to configure how images are treated in the mobile ap-plication. Choosing to Manually Resize Images on Upload will allow the user to manually resize images loaded from the mobile device into the mobile application  Never – All images will be uploaded at their default size  Always – A prompt will be shown to the user on uploading any image to allow the image to be resized

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106  Large Images Only – A prompt will be shown to the user on uploading an image which is over the configured size to allow the image to be resized Choosing to Automatically Resize Images on Upload will resize images loaded from the mobile de-vice into the mobile application using the parameters captured  Never – All images will be uploaded at their default size  Always – All images will be resized as part of the upload  Large Images Only – Images over the configured size will be resized as part of the upload Biometric Settings The Biometric Settings screen allows the user to configure their biometric log on options from within the mobile application. The device will be determined to support biometric log on if the device has the hardware required and the device is protected using a PIN. Choosing to enable biometric log on will allow a user to use any of the following biometric op-tions, if available on the mobile device:  Fingerprint (Android)  TouchID (Apple)  FaceID (Apple) Note: If using an Android device, an additional notification will be displayed to allow the user to authorise the use of fingerprint functionality. Note: Once biometric log on has been enabled within the mobile application the user will need to enter their password the next time they log in to the mobile application. This will store the pass-word and allow biometric log on to be used for subsequent log ins. Choosing to disable the Biometric Log On will clear any stored credentials from the mobile appli-cation.

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107 User Address Book Settings The following settings are available from this screen, and are described in more detail below:  Address Book to Include Secondary Contacts o When set to Yes, all Contact People are shown in the External User Address Book screen (Home – Contacts) o When set to No, only the Primary Contact Person will be shown for each Contact in the External User Address Book screen o This will be set to Yes by default.  Display Order o When set to ‘Surname, Firstname (A-Z)’, Contact People will be ordered alphabeti-cally by Contact Person Name on the External User Address Book screen. o When set to ‘Contact Name (A-Z)’, Contact People will be ordered alphabetically by their corresponding Contact Name (e.g Company Name for Companies) " on the External User Address Book screen. o This will be set to ‘Surname, Firstname (A-Z)’ by default.

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108 About The About screen allows the user to view the version details of the mobile application. This is a read-only screen.

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109 File & Diary Tasks The Tasks screen shows a list of Tasks according to where the screen is loaded from, and the search criteria used. The screen is split into two tabs to show all Tasks or Overdue Tasks. Each Task is displayed as a tile. The icon on the left of the tile shows the status of the Task. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the Task results. Pressing the Find in Results button loads a Find search field to allow users to enter a search term. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Task screen Pressing a tile loads the Task. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Defer Task  Complete Task  Pin  Reassign  Self-Assign  Unassign  Reject Task

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110 Task History The Task History screen shows the history information for the selected Task. Email & SMS History The Email & SMS History screen shows the emails and SMS messages linked to the selected Task. Each Email or SMS Activity is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Activity screen for the selected Activity. Defer Task

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111 Pressing the Defer Task action loads the Defer Task pop-up. The pop-up allows the Defer Task details to be set. Complete Task Pressing the Complete Task action loads the Complete Task pop-up. The pop-up allows the Completion Outcome to be captured, the details of the completed Task to be saved to the Electronic File, and the Activity details to be set. Reassign

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112 Pressing the Reassign action loads the Reassign Task pop-up. The pop-up allows the office, team and user to whom the Task should be assigned to be cap-tured. Self-Assign Pressing the Self-Assign action loads the Self-Assign Task pop-up to assign the selected Task to the current user.

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113 Unassign Pressing the Unassign action loads the Unassign Task pop-up to clear the assigned to User value for the selected Task. Reject Task Pressing the Reject Task action loads the Reject Task pop-up. The pop-up allows the Rejection Reason to be captured.

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114 Reply Pressing the Reply action loads the Reply pop-up. The pop-up allows the office, team and user to whom the Task should be assigned to be selected. These fields are defaulted to the Task's previous assignee. The Task Description can also be up-dated. Activities The Activities screen shows a list of Activities according to where the screen is loaded from, and the search criteria used. The screen is split into two tabs to show all Activities or Highlighted Activities. Each Activity is displayed as a tile. The icon on the left of the tile shows whether the Activity has an attachment. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the Activ-ity results. Pressing the Find in Results button loads a Find search field to allow users to enter a search term. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Activity screen. Pressing a tile loads the Activity. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  View Activity

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115  Highlight Activity  Publish to Web  Hide Activity  Add Version  Add Follow On Task Add Activity Pressing the Add Activity action launches the following process. The user selects the Activity Type for the Activity.

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116 Depending on the selected configuration, selecting an Activity Type can automatically set the fol-lowing fields to default values (per Activity Type):  Activity Direction  Publish to Web  Highlight Activity  Description The user populates the details of the Activity including adding any attachments and presses the Save button. Note: See Attachments Frame for more details of the Attachments frame. Depending on organisation configuration, after saving the new Activity, a Follow On Task may be prompted in some or all of the following cases:  By Activity Type configuration o Add Activity o Add Activity Version  Complete Task  By Template configuration o Create Document o Create Statement o Create Chaser o Create Email o Send SMS Activity The Activity screen shows the full details of the selected Activity. Pressing the More button loads a set of actions for the Activity. The following actions are availa-ble:

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117  Highlight Activity  Publish to Web  Hide Activity  Add Version Pressing the Edit button allows the Activity to be edited. The Versions tile shows the version number of the selected Activity. If the Activity is part of a chain, pressing the tile loads the list of the Activity Versions. Pressing a file in the Attachments frame loads a menu with the following options:  Open  Download Pressing the Activity History tile loads the Activity History screen. Activity History The Activity History screen shows the history information for the selected Activity.

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118 Activity Versions The Activity Versions screen shows the Activity Versions for the selected Activity. Each Activity Version is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Activity screen for the selected Version. Validations The Validations screen shows the details of the validations run on the selected record. The screen is split into two tabs to show all validations and failed validations.

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119 Add Note Pressing the Add Note action launches the following screen. The user populates the details of the Note and presses the Save button. Note The Note screen shows the full details of the selected Note. Pressing the Edit button allows the Note to be edited.

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120 Pressing the History tile loads the History screen. Contacts The Contacts screen shows the address book for the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show external contacts (e.g. Contact People, agents and intro-ducers) and internal contacts (e.g. account exec and account handlers). Each contact is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the contact card for that contact. Long- pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Contact (only when the contact is not the selected record)  Add Task (only when the contact is on the selected record)  View Contact Card

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121 Status History The Status History screen shows the history for the selected record. The screen is split into separate tabs for updates (e.g. Contact People updated) and access events (e.g. record opened). Pressing a tile will load the detail of that event.

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122 Create Document Pressing the Create Document action launches the following process. The user selects the document template to be used. The user completes the required Content Options if any are configured for the selected document template.

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123 The user populates the inputs to the document creation process and the Activity details, and presses the Save button to create the document. Create Email Pressing the Create Email action launches the following process.

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124 Note: If Create Email is disabled in the settings, a notification will be shown when attempting to use the Create Email process. Note: If using the SMTP email method, a notification will be displayed if any of the SMTP settings are missing. The user chooses the email recipients from the Contacts screen (populated based on the se-lected record). It is possible to choose to manually enter the recipients, for example if the email addresses are not stored on Acturis. The user selects the email template to be used. The user completes the required Content Options if any are configured for the selected email template.

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125 The user populates the inputs to the email creation process including any attachments and the Activity details, and presses the Send button. Note: See Create Email for further details of email sending. Note: Depending on the selected configuration, a warning notification may be displayed on press-ing Send if the marketing and processing consent for the selected recipient is not set to Yes.

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126 Once the user has sent the email in the third party application, they should return to Acturis and press Email Sent to save the details to the Electronic File. If the email was not sent from the third party email application then the user should press No Email Sent, so that nothing is saved to the Electronic File. Note: On iOS devices, the email being sent will be automatically detected. Send SMS Pressing the Send SMS action launches the following process. The user chooses the SMS recipients from the Contacts screen (populated based on the selected record). It is possible to choose to manually enter the recipients, for example if the phone num-bers are not stored on Acturis.

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127 The user selects the SMS template to be used. The user completes the required Content Options if any are configured for the selected SMS tem-plate. The user populates the inputs to the SMS process, and presses the Send button. Pressing the Send button will send the SMS via SMS method selected in the SMS Settings.

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128 When the SMS Sending Method is set to “Acturis SMS”, the process contains extra fields to match the Release 7 Send SMS process. The SMS can be sent now or be scheduled to be sent later, and the Activity options are available on the Send SMS screen itself. Note: Depending on the selected configuration, a warning notification may be displayed on press-ing Send if the marketing and processing consent for the selected recipient is not set to Yes. Contact Module Add Contact Pressing the Add Contact action launches the following set of screens. It is possible to add com-panies and individuals in the mobile application. Note: It is possible to set the availability of the displayed screens and frames in the Add Contact process through configuration. The Contact Type must first be selected.

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129 The Contact details are captured. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen. The Contact communication and address details are captured. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen. If the new Contact is a Company, the company details are captured. Once captured, the Next but-ton advances to the next screen.

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130 The Contact file distribution details are captured. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen, or the Save button will add the contact.

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131 The Contact Duplicate Check will then be run, depending on entity configuration, and will display a list of potential contacts. The Save button adds the new Contact and opens the newly added record. Contact Summary The Contact Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Contact. The screen is labelled according to the Contact Type of the selected Contact. Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Contact. The following screens are availa-ble:  Main Details  People  Addresses  Company Details  ABI Trades  SIC Codes  Shortcuts  Report Questions  Account Options  Marketing Information  Client Dashboard  Agent Dashboard  Introducer Dashboard Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen

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132  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Contact Summary screen contains the following frames:  Contact Details  Favourite Contact  Open Items  Linked Items  Items to Renew  Balance Contact Details The Contact Details frame shows some basic details about the Contact. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen Favourite Contact The Favourite Contact frame allows the Contact to be added to or removed from the list of Fa-vourite Contacts. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Contact  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Contact  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Contact  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Contact  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Contact Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Relations – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Relations screen  Opportunities - Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Opportunities screen  RFQs – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level RFQ screen  Policies – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Policies screen  Claims – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Claims screen  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Complaints screen  Fees – Pressing this tile loads the Contact level Fees screen Items to Renew

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133 The Items to Renew frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Policies to Renew - Pressing this tile loads the Policies to Renew screen  Fees to Renew - Pressing this tile loads the Fees to Renew screen Balance The Balance frame shows the outstanding balance for the Contact. A separate tile will be dis-played per currency per Contact Type. Pressing a tile loads the Account Summary screen. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Contact. The screen is labelled according to the Contact Type of the selected Contact. The Contact can be added or removed from the Favourite Contacts list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Contact details to be edited. People The People screen shows the Contact People linked to the selected Contact. Pressing the Add button loads an Add Person screen allowing a new Contact Person to be added. Each Contact Person is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the Contact Person. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:

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134  View Contact Card  Set as Primary  Remove Contact Person Add Person Pressing the Add Contact Person action launches the following process. Once the Contact Person details have been entered, the Save button will add the Person.

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135 Contact Person The Contact Person screen displays the same fields as the Add Contact Person screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the Person details to be edited. Addresses The Addresses screen shows the addresses linked to the selected Contact. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Address screen allowing a new address to be added. Each address is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the Address. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Set as Primary  Remove Address Add Address Pressing the Add Address action launches the Locate Address screen.

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136 Selecting an Address tile loads the Add Address screen will be displayed using the selected ad-dress. Pressing the Manually Enter Address tile loads the Add Address screen with no fields populated. Note: Where a Postcode value is entered, pressing the Search icon will allow an Address look-up to be performed. Address The Address screen displays the same fields as the Add Address screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the Address details to be edited. Company Details The Company Details screen shows the Company details for the selected Contact. Pressing the Edit button allows the Company details to be edited.

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137 ABI Trades The ABI Trades screen shows the ABI Trade details for the selected Contact. Pressing the Add button loads an Add ABI Trade screen allowing a new ABI Trade to be added. Each ABI Trade is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the ABI Trade details. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Set as Primary  Remove Add ABI Trade Pressing the Add ABI Trade action launches the following process. Once the ABI Trade has been entered, the Save button will add the ABI Trade. Note: It is possible to enter a search term to filter down the ABI Trade list.

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138 ABI Trade The ABI Trade screen displays the same fields as the Add ABI Trade screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the ABI Trade to be edited. Shortcuts The Shortcuts screen shows the Shortcut details for the selected Contact. Pressing the Add button loads an Add Shortcut screen allowing a new Shortcut to be added. Each Shortcut is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the Shortcut details. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Shortcut - loads the Shortcut in the default browser application.  Set as Primary  Remove

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139 Add Shortcut Pressing the Add Shortcut action launches the following process. Once the Shortcut details have been entered, the Save button will add the Shortcut.

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140 Shortcut The Shortcut screen displays the same fields as the Add Shortcut screen. Report Questions The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Contact. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited. Pressing the Edit button allows the Shortcut to be edited. Account Options

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141 The Account Options screen shows the account option details for the selected Contact. Pressing the Edit button allows the account options to be edited. Marketing Information The Marketing Information screen shows the marketing information details for the selected Con-tact. Pressing the Edit button allows the marketing details to be edited. Opportunities The Opportunities screen shows the Opportunities linked to the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show active Opportunities and all Opportunities.

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142 Each Opportunity is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Opportunity. RFQs The RFQs screen shows the RFQs linked to the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show open RFQs and all RFQs. Each RFQ is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the RFQ.

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143 Policies The Policies screen shows the Policies linked to the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show active Policies and all Policies. Active Polices are defined as a post-accept Policy which has not been set to Lapsed. Each Policy is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Policy.

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144 Claims The Claims screen shows the Claims linked to the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show open Claims and all Claims. Each Claim is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Claim.

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145 Fees The Fees screen shows the Fees linked to the selected Contact. The screen is split into two tabs to show open Fees and all Fees. Each Fee is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Fee. Policies to Renew The Policies to Renew screen shows Policies linked to the selected Contact which are due for re-newal. Each Policy is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Policy.

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146 Fees to Renew The Fees to Renew screen shows the Fees linked to the selected Contact which are due for re-newal. Each Fee is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Fee. Opportunities Module Add Opportunity Pressing the Add Opportunity action launches the following set of screens. Note: It is possible to set the availability of the displayed screens and frames in the Add Oppor-tunity process through configuration. The Product Target must first be selected. By default the screen will only show Preferred Product Targets (as configured for the Contact’s Account Executive Office). If no Product Targets are con-figured as Preferred, all available Product Targets will be displayed. Pressing the Filter icon launches an overlay which allows the user to toggle between displaying all Product Targets, and only those marked as Preferred. This Filter icon will be hidden if all available Product Targets are preferred, or none are preferred. Selecting the Product Target for the Opportunity loads the next screen in the process.

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147 The Main Details screen contains various frames to capture details of the Opportunity. The following fields will be defaulted as per the desktop application:  Days To List  Account Exec Office  Account Exec  Account Team  Account Handler Office  Account Handler The key details of the Opportunity are captured. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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148 The Report Questions for the Opportunity are completed. Once captured, the Next button ad-vances to the next screen.

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149 The Client Requirements for the Opportunity are entered. The Save button adds the new Oppor-tunity, and opens the newly added record. Opportunity Summary The Opportunity Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Opportunity.

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150 Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Opportunity. The following screens are available:  Main Details  Report Questions  Client Requirements  Pipeline Value Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Opportunity Summary screen contains the following frames:  Opportunity Details  Pin Opportunity  Converted RFQ  Jump to Policy  Open Items  Linked Items  Opportunity Value Opportunity Details The Opportunity Details frame shows some basic details about the Opportunity. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Pin Opportunity The Pin Opportunity frame allows the Opportunity to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Converted RFQ Pressing the Jump to RFQ tile in the Converted RFQ frame loads the RFQ which the Opportunity has been converted to. Jump to Policy Pressing the Jump to Policy tile loads the Non System Policy which the Opportunity has been con-verted to. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:

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151  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Opportunity  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Opportunity  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Opportunity  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the Oppor-tunity  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Opportunity  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Opportunity Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Agents & Introducers - Pressing this tile loads the Opportunity Agents & Introducers screen.  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Opportunity level Complaints screen. Opportunity Value The Opportunity Value frame shows the Target Premium and the Target Retained Income for the Opportunity. Pressing this tile loads the Pipeline Value Screen. Convert to RFQ The Convert to RFQ button from the Opportunity Actions overlay launches the Convert Opportunity To RFQ screen. Pressing Save converts the Opportunity to an RFQ, and navigates to the RFQ Summary screen.

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152 Main Details The Opportunity level Main Details screen shows details of the selected Opportunity. Pressing the Edit button allows the Opportunity details to be edited. Report Questions The Opportunity level Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Op-portunity. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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153 Client Requirements The Opportunity level Client Requirements screen shows the client requirements relating to the Opportunity. Note: These fields can only be edited in Acturis Mobile if the contents of the field contain only plain text. Pipeline Value The Opportunity level Pipeline Value screen shows details of the target and pipeline values of the Opportunity.

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154 RFQ Module Add RFQ Pressing the Add RFQ action launches the following set of screens. Note: It is possible to set the availability of the displayed screens and frames in the Add RFQ pro-cess through configuration. The Product Target must first be selected. By default the screen will only show Preferred Product Targets (as configured for the Contact’s Account Executive Office). If no Product Targets are con-figured as Preferred, all available Product Targets will be displayed. Pressing the Filter icon launches an overlay which allows the user to toggle between displaying all Product Targets, and only those marked as Preferred. This Filter icon will be hidden if all available Product Targets are preferred, or none are preferred. Selecting the Product Target for the RFQ loads the next screen in the process. The Main Details screen contains various frames to capture details of the RFQ. The following fields will be defaulted as per the desktop application:  Days To List  Account Exec Office  Account Exec

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155  Account Team  Account Handler Office  Account Handler The key details of the RFQ are captured. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen. The Report Questions for the RFQ are completed. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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156 The Client Requirements for the RFQ are entered. The Save button adds the new RFQ, and opens the newly added record. RFQ Summary The RFQ Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected RFQ.

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157 Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the RFQ. The following screens are available:  Main Details  Report Questions  Client Requirements  Risk Details  Pipeline Value Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The RFQ Summary screen contains the following frames:  RFQ Details  Pin RFQ  Remarketed Policy  Source Opportunity  Open Items  Linked Items RFQ Details The RFQ Details frame shows some basic details about the RFQ. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Pin RFQ The Pin RFQ frame allows the RFQ to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Remarketed Policy Pressing the Jump to Previous Policy tile in the Remarketed Policy frame loads the Policy which the RFQ was remarketed from. Source Opportunity Pressing the Jump to Source Opportunity tile in the Source Opportunity frame loads the Oppor-tunity which the RFQ was converted from. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the RFQ

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158  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the RFQ  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the RFQ  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the RFQ  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the RFQ  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the RFQ Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Agents & Introducers - Pressing this tile loads the RFQ Agents & Introducers screen.  Quotes – Pressing this tile loads the RFQ level Quotes screen  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the RFQ level Complaints screen Submit RFQ The Submit RFQ button from the RFQ Actions overlay initiates the Submit RFQ action. On pressing Submit RFQ:  RFQ Validation Checks are performed o Validation Checks are described in detail in Section 8 below.  Risk Validations are performed  Notifications will be shown to the user as per the desktop application, for example if Pending Quotes will be resubmitted, etc.  If Submission Attachments are available, the Submission Attachments screen will be launched  The RFQ will be submitted  The RFQ Quotes screen is launched. Submission Attachments If Submission Attachments are available, for example for U-Trade Products, the Submission At-tachments screen will be launched when first performing the Submit RFQ process on an RFQ. It will not be launched when resubmitting an RFQ. A message to the underwriter can be entered, and attachments added before continuing the Sub-mit RFQ process by pressing the Submit icon in the top right. Note: Entity configuration determines whether additional data is appended to the message. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected RFQ. The RFQ can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle.

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159 Pressing the Edit button allows the RFQ details to be edited. Report Questions The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected RFQ. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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160 Product Selection The Product Selection screen displays a tile for each Product, with the following data displayed in each tile:  Insurer  Insurer Account  Product  Details o Rating Method o Product Benefits - this label is displayed if Product Benefits are captured against the Product o Selection Reason - this label is displayed if a Selection Reason is captured against the Product o Promotional Code - this label is displayed if a Promotional Code is captured for the Product. Pressing the Add button launches the Add Product screen. Pressing a Product tile navigates to the View Product screen. Long-pressing a Product tile launches a Product Options overlay containing the following options:  View Product - this option navigates to the View Product screen, as per single pressing a tile in the grid.  View Product Benefits - this option launches the Product Benefits screen. The option is only available on Products where Product Benefits have been configured.  Deselect - this option prompts the user to confirm before removing the Product from the Product Selection grid.

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161 Add Product The Add Product screen allows a Product to be added to the Product Selection screen. A Product can be selected by selecting an Insurer, Insurer Account and Product from the dropdowns. Once a value has been captured in the Product dropdown, the following details can be captured (where applicable):  Selection Reason  Selection Reason Detail  Promotional Code The screen also displays the following details:  Rating Method  Placement Information  Placement Information Details Pressing Save selects the Product, and navigates to the View Product screen.

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162 View Product The View Product screen displays information about the selected Product. Pressing the Product Benefits button launches the Product Benefits screen. Pressing the Edit icon allows the Selection Reason to be updated. Product Benefits The Product Benefits screen displays the Product Benefits configured for the Product.

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163 Add On Selection The Add On Selection screen displays a tile for each currently selected Add On Product Target, with the following data displayed in each tile:  Product Target  Product Target Description  Count of selected Products The Add button loads the Add Product Targets overlay. Pressing a Product Target tile launches the Add On Product Selection screen. Long-pressing a tile launches a Product Target Options overlay containing the following options:  Add On Products - this option navigates to the Add On Product Selection screen, as per single pressing a tile in the grid.  Deselect - this option prompts the user to confirm before removing the Product Target from the Add On Selection grid (deselecting all Products for that Product Target)

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164 Add Product Targets The Add Product Targets overlay allows additional Add On Product Targets to be selected. Any Product Targets available which do not have any corresponding Products selected will be dis-played on this overlay. Selecting these and pressing Save selects all Products marked as Preferred for that Product Tar-get, closes the overlay, and displays the updates in the Add On Product Targets data grid. Add On Product Selection The Add On Product Selection screen displays a tile for each Product, with the following data dis-played in each tile:  Insurer  Insurer Account  Add On Product  Details o Rating Method o Product Benefits - this label is displayed if Product Benefits are captured against the Add On Product Pressing the Add button launches the Add Add On Product screen. Pressing an Add On Product tile navigates to the View Add On Product screen.

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165 Long-pressing an Add On Product tile launches an Add On Product Options overlay containing the following options:  View Add On Product - this option navigates to the View Add On Product screen, as per single pressing a tile in the grid.  View Add On Product Benefits - this option launches the Add On Product Benefits screen. The option is only available on Add On Products where Product Benefits have been config-ured.  Deselect - this option prompts the user to confirm before removing the Product from the Add On Product Selection grid.

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166 Add Add On Product The Add Add On Product screen allows an Add On Product to be added to the Add On Product Se-lection screen. An Add On Product can be selected by selecting an Insurer, Insurer Account and Product from the dropdowns. Pressing Save selects the Add On Product, and navigates to the View Add On Product screen. View Add On Product The View Add On Product screen displays information about the selected Add On Product. Pressing the Product Benefits button launches the Add On Product Benefits screen.

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167 Add On Product Benefits The Product Benefits screen displays the Product Benefits configured for the Add On Product. Client Requirements The RFQ level Client Requirements screen shows the client requirements relating to the RFQ. Note: These fields can only be edited in Acturis Mobile if the contents of the field contain only plain text.

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168 Risk Details The Risk Details screens allow the user to view and edit Risk Details. Each Risk Section is displayed as a tile, showing the following information if captured:  Child Sections  Rating Notes  Additional Information  Claims  Amounts The icon to the left of the tile displays in pink if the risk capture is incomplete for that Risk Sec-tion. The top level Risk Section is displayed as the first tile, with any Child Risk Sections displayed as further tiles below this. Pressing the Add button launches the Add Section overlay, with options to add child sections Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search

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169 Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section Add Ons Add On Risk Details are shown from a tab on the Risk Details screen. This tab is only displayed if Add Ons are selected for that record. Each Add On is displayed as a tile, showing the Add on Product Target and Status. If unanswered Mandatory questions exist for the Add On Risk, the tile displays a pin icon. If any Add Ons have unanswered mandatory questions, the Add Ons tab will also display in pink. Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section screen for the Add On. Risk Section The Risk Section screens display details for the selected Risk Section. Each Risk Question Frame within the selected Risk Section is displayed as a frame. Risk Questions which have been answered will display on the screen, alongside any mandatory questions which have not been answered. If no Risk Questions have been answered in a Risk Question Frame, and the frame contains no mandatory questions, the frame will not be displayed while viewing the Risk Details.

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170 When viewing the risk details, the following frames will be displayed if captured for the selected Risk Section:  Additional Information  Claims History  Rating Notes  Rating Amounts Pressing the Edit icon allows the risk details to be edited. Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search The navigation bar at the bottom of the screen can be used to navigate between Risk Sections. Additional Information The Additional Information frame displays the Additional Information. These details can be up-dated when editing. Claims History Pressing the Claims History tile loads the Claims History screen. Rating Notes Pressing the Rating Notes tile loads the Rating Notes screen. Rating Amounts

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171 Pressing the Rating Amounts tile loads the Rating Amounts screen. Child Risk Section The Child Risk Section screens display details for the selected Child Risk Section. This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions:  Pressing the Add button launches the Add Risk Section overlay, with options to add child sections.  Each Sub Risk Section is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Sub Risk Section.  Pressing More on a child Risk Section launches an overlay with the option to remove the Risk Section. Sub Risk Section The Sub Risk Section screens display details for the selected Sub Risk Section.

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172 This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions when editing the screen:  Pressing the Add icon within a frame adds the corresponding Sub Risk Section  Sub Risk Sections can be removed by expanding the frame and pressing the red cross icon. Add Risk Section The Add Risk Section screen functions similarly to editing a Risk Section screen. Pressing the Save button adds and saves the new Risk Section. Pressing the cross icon in the top left discards the new Risk Section. Claims History The Claims History screens shows any linked Claims for the selected Risk Details section. Each Claims History record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Claims History screen. Long pressing a tile allows the user to remove a Claims History record. Pressing the plus icon allows the user to add a Claims History record.

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173 View Claims History The View Claims History screens show details of the selected Claims History record. Pressing the Edit button allows the details of the Claims History to be edited. Pressing the Jump to Claim tile loads the Claim linked to the Risk Section.

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174 Rating Notes The Rating Notes screens show any linked Rating Notes for the selected Risk Section. Each Rating Notes record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Rating Note screen. Rating Note The Rating Note screens show details of the selected Rating Note. Pressing the Note frame loads the full text of the Rating Note.

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175 Rating Amounts The Rating Amounts screens shows the amounts for the selected Risk Section. Risk Validation The Risk Validation screens shows validations of the Risk Details.

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176 Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Risk Search The Risk Search screen allows the user to search for answers within the Risk Details. Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Pipeline Value The RFQ level Pipeline Value screen shows details of the target and pipeline values of the RFQ.

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177 Quotes The Quotes screen shows the Quotes linked to the selected RFQ. If the RFQ has been submitted and some Quotes have not been returned, a banner will be shown at the top of the screen, displaying the number of Quotes returned against the total number. Se-lecting the refresh icon will reload the screen, displaying any quotes returned since the screen was loaded. Each Quote is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Quote.

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178 Quote Module Quote Summary The Quote Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Quote. Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Quote. The following screens are availa-ble:  Main Details  Report Questions  Client Requirements  Risk Details  Premium Summary  Compliance Information Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Quote Summary screen contains the following frames:  Quote Details  Pin Quote  Child Policy  Open Items

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179  Linked Items  Quote Amounts  Add On Amounts Quote Details The Quote Details frame shows some basic details about the Quote. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Pin Quote The Pin Quote frame allows the Quote to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Child Policy Pressing the Jump to Policy tile in the Child Policy frame loads the Policy which was created when the Quote was accepted. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Quote  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Quote  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Quote  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the Quote  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Quote  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Quote Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Quote level Complaints screen Quote Amounts The Quote Amounts frame shows the Client Amount inc Tax field for the Quote. Pressing this tile loads the Premium Summary screen. Add On Amounts The Add On Amounts frame shows the Add On Client Amount inc Tax for the Add Ons selected to be accepted. Pressing this tile loads the Add On Quotes screen. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Quote.

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180 The Quote can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Quote details to be edited. Report Questions The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Quote. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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181 Client Requirements The Quote level Client Requirements screen shows the client requirements relating to the Quote. Note: These fields can only be edited in Acturis Mobile if the contents of the field contain only plain text. Risk Details The Risk Details screens allow the user to view and edit Risk Details. Each Risk Section is displayed as a tile, showing the following information if captured:  Child Sections  Rating Notes  Additional Information  Claims  Amounts The icon to the left of the tile displays in pink if the risk capture is incomplete for that Risk Sec-tion. The top level Risk Section is displayed as the first tile, with any Child Risk Sections displayed as further tiles below this.

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182 Pressing the Add button launches the Add Section overlay, with options to add child sections Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section Add Ons Add On Risk Details are shown from a tab on the Risk Details screen. This tab is only displayed if Add Ons are selected for that record. Each Add On is displayed as a tile, showing the Add on Product Target and Status. If unanswered Mandatory questions exist for the Add On Risk, the tile displays a pin icon. If any Add Ons have unanswered mandatory questions, the Add Ons tab will also display in pink. Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section screen for the Add On.

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183 Risk Section The Risk Section screens display details for the selected Risk Section. Each Risk Question Frame within the selected Risk Section is displayed as a frame. Risk Questions which have been answered will display on the screen, alongside any mandatory questions which have not been answered. If no Risk Questions have been answered in a Risk Question Frame, and the frame contains no mandatory questions, the frame will not be displayed while viewing the Risk Details.

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184 When viewing the risk details, the following frames will be displayed if captured for the selected Risk Section:  Additional Information  Claims History  Rating Notes  Rating Amounts Pressing the Edit icon allows the risk details to be edited. Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search The navigation bar at the bottom of the screen can be used to navigate between Risk Sections. Additional Information The Additional Information frame displays the Additional Information. These details can be up-dated when editing. Claims History Pressing the Claims History tile loads the Claims History screen. Rating Notes Pressing the Rating Notes tile loads the Rating Notes screen. Rating Amounts Pressing the Rating Amounts tile loads the Rating Amounts screen. Child Risk Section The Child Risk Section screens display details for the selected Child Risk Section.

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185 This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions:  Pressing the Add button launches the Add Risk Section overlay, with options to add child sections.  Each Sub Risk Section is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Sub Risk Section.  Pressing More on a child Risk Section launches an overlay with the option to remove the Risk Section. Sub Risk Section The Sub Risk Section screens display details for the selected Sub Risk Section.

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186 This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions when editing the screen:  Pressing the Add icon within a frame adds the corresponding Sub Risk Section  Sub Risk Sections can be removed by expanding the frame and pressing the red cross icon. Add Risk Section The Add Risk Section screen functions similarly to editing a Risk Section screen. Pressing the Save button adds and saves the new Risk Section. Pressing the cross icon in the top left discards the new Risk Section. Claims History The Claims History screens shows any linked Claims for the selected Risk Details section. Each Claims History record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Claims History screen. Long pressing a tile allows the user to remove a Claims History record. Pressing the plus icon allows the user to add a Claims History record.

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187 View Claims History The View Claims History screens show details of the selected Claims History record. Pressing the Edit button allows the details of the Claims History to be edited. Pressing the Jump to Claim tile loads the Claim linked to the Risk Section.

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188 Rating Notes The Rating Notes screens show any linked Rating Notes for the selected Risk Section. Each Rating Notes record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Rating Note screen. Rating Note The Rating Note screens show details of the selected Rating Note. Pressing the Note frame loads the full text of the Rating Note.

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189 Rating Amounts The Rating Amounts screens shows the amounts for the selected Risk Section. Risk Validation The Risk Validation screens shows validations of the Risk Details.

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190 Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Risk Search The Risk Search screen allows the user to search for answers within the Risk Details. Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Premium Summary The Premium Summary screen shows the amounts for the selected Quote (or Add On Quote).

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191 Policy Chain Module Policy Chain Summary The Policy Chain Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Policy Chain.

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192 Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Policy Chain. The following screens are available:  Main Details The Policy Chain Summary screen can contain the following frames:  Policy Chain Details  Previous Policy  Selected Version  Policy Versions  Replacing Policy  Open Items  Linked Items  Client Balance Policy Chain Details

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193 The Policy Chain Details frame shows some basic details about the Policy Chain. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Previous Policy Pressing the Previous Policy tile loads the Policy Chain Summary screen for the previous Policy Chain which the Policy Chain was remarketed from. Selected Version Pressing the Selected Version tile loads the Policy Version Summary screen for the selected ver-sion. Policy Versions Pressing the Policy Versions tile loads the Policy Versions screen. Replacing Policy Pressing the Replacing Policy tile loads the Policy Chain Summary screen for the replacing Policy Chain which the Policy Chain is remarketed to. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Policy Chain  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Policy Chain  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Policy Chain  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the Policy Chain Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Claims – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Chain level Claims screen  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Chain level Complaints screen Client Balance The Client Balance frame shows the outstanding amount on the Policy Chain. Pressing a tile loads the Policy Accounts screen. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Policy Chain.

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194 Policy Versions The Policy Versions screen shows a list of the Policy Versions in the selected Policy Chain. Each Policy Version is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Policy Version.

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195 The Policy Version icons can have the following colours based on its status: Icon Policy Version Status Business Event(s) Policy Year Start New Business, Renewal Adjustment MTA, Declaration, TMTA, TMTA Cancellation Cancellation Cancellation Reinstatement Reinstatement Rejected All

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196 Claims The Claims screen shows the Claims linked to the selected Policy Chain. Each Claim is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Claim. Complaints The Complaints screen shows the Complaints linked to the selected Policy Chain. Each Complaint is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Complaint.

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197 Policy Accounts The Policy Accounts screen shows a list of the Client and Agent transactions for the selected Pol-icy Chain. Each Policy Version item is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the corresponding Transaction Details screen.

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199 Policy Version Module Policy Version Summary The Policy Version Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Policy Ver-sion. The screen is labelled according to the business event of the selected Policy Version. Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Policy Version. The following screens are available:  Main Details  Report Questions  Client Requirements  Risk Details  Premium Summary  Compliance Information

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200  Additional Details Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Policy Version Summary screen contains the following frames:  Policy Version Details  Pin Policy Version  Jump to Source Opportunity  Parent Quote (new business only)  Open Items  Linked Items  Policy Amounts  Add On Amounts  Client Balance Policy Version The Policy Version Details frame shows some basic details about the Policy Version. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Pin Policy Version The Pin Policy Version frame allows the Policy Version to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Jump to Source Opportunity For Non-System Policies which were converted from an Opportunity, pressing the Jump to Source Opportunity tile loads the Opportunity. Parent Quote Pressing the Jump to Quote tile in the Parent Quote frame loads the Quote which the new busi-ness Policy Version was accepted from. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Policy Ver-sion  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Policy Version

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201  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Policy Version  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Policy Version  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Policy Version Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Agents & Introducers - Pressing this tile loads the Policy Version Agents & Introducers screen.  Claims – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Version level Claims screen  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Version level Complaints screen  Add On Policies – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Version level Add On Policies screen  Split Fees – Pressing this tile loads the Policy Version level Split Fees screen Policy Amounts The Policy Amounts frame shows the Client Amount inc Tax field for the Policy Version. Pressing this tile loads the Premium Summary screen. Note: For Non-System Policies, pressing this tile loads the Non-System Policy Premium Sum-mary screen. Add On Amounts The Add On Amounts frame shows the Add On Client Amount inc Tax for the Add Ons selected to be accepted. Pressing this tile loads the Add On Quotes screen, displaying a list of the Add Ons selected for acceptance on the Policy Version. Client Balance The Client Balance frame shows the outstanding amount on the Policy Version. Pressing a tile loads the Version Accounts screen. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Policy Version. The Policy can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Policy Version details to be edited.

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202 Report Questions The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Policy Version. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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203 Client Requirements The Policy level Client Requirements screen shows the client requirements relating to the Policy. Note: These fields can only be edited in Acturis Mobile if the contents of the field contain only plain text.

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204 Risk Details The Risk Details screens allow the user to view and edit Risk Details. Each Risk Section is displayed as a tile, showing the following information if captured:  Child Sections  Rating Notes  Additional Information  Claims  Amounts The icon to the left of the tile displays in pink if the risk capture is incomplete for that Risk Sec-tion.

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205 The top level Risk Section is displayed as the first tile, with any Child Risk Sections displayed as further tiles below this. Pressing the Add button launches the Add Section overlay, with options to add child sections Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section Add Ons Add On Risk Details are shown from a tab on the Risk Details screen. This tab is only displayed if Add Ons are selected for that record.

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206 Each Add On is displayed as a tile, showing the Add on Product Target and Status. If unanswered Mandatory questions exist for the Add On Risk, the tile displays a pin icon. If any Add Ons have unanswered mandatory questions, the Add Ons tab will also display in pink. Pressing a tile loads the Risk Section screen for the Add On. Risk Section The Risk Section screens display details for the selected Risk Section. Each Risk Question Frame within the selected Risk Section is displayed as a frame. Risk Questions which have been answered will display on the screen, alongside any mandatory questions which have not been answered. If no Risk Questions have been answered in a Risk Question Frame, and the frame contains no mandatory questions, the frame will not be displayed while viewing the Risk Details.

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207 When viewing the risk details, the following frames will be displayed if captured for the selected Risk Section:  Additional Information  Claims History  Rating Notes  Rating Amounts Pressing the Edit icon allows the risk details to be edited. Pressing the More button launches the Risk Options overlay, with the following options:  Risk Validation  Risk Search The navigation bar at the bottom of the screen can be used to navigate between Risk Sections.

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208 Additional Information The Additional Information frame displays the Additional Information. These details can be up-dated when editing. Claims History Pressing the Claims History tile loads the Claims History screen. Rating Notes Pressing the Rating Notes tile loads the Rating Notes screen. Rating Amounts Pressing the Rating Amounts tile loads the Rating Amounts screen. Child Risk Section The Child Risk Section screens display details for the selected Child Risk Section.

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209 This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions:  Pressing the Add button launches the Add Risk Section overlay, with options to add child sections.  Each Sub Risk Section is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Sub Risk Section.  Pressing More on a child Risk Section launches an overlay with the option to remove the Risk Section. Sub Risk Section The Sub Risk Section screens display details for the selected Sub Risk Section.

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210 This screen has the same functionality as the Risk Section screen, with the following additions when editing the screen:  Pressing the Add icon within a frame adds the corresponding Sub Risk Section  Sub Risk Sections can be removed by expanding the frame and pressing the red cross icon. Add Risk Section The Add Risk Section screen functions similarly to editing a Risk Section screen.

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211 Pressing the Save button adds and saves the new Risk Section. Pressing the cross icon in the top left discards the new Risk Section. Claims History The Claims History screens shows any linked Claims for the selected Risk Details section. Each Claims History record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Claims History screen. Long pressing a tile allows the user to remove a Claims History record. Pressing the plus icon allows the user to add a Claims History record.

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212 View Claims History The View Claims History screens show details of the selected Claims History record. Pressing the Edit button allows the details of the Claims History to be edited. Pressing the Jump to Claim tile loads the Claim linked to the Risk Section.

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213 Rating Notes The Rating Notes screens show any linked Rating Notes for the selected Risk Section. Each Rating Notes record is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Rating Note screen.

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214 Rating Note The Rating Note screens show details of the selected Rating Note. Pressing the Note frame loads the full text of the Rating Note.

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215 Rating Amounts The Rating Amounts screens shows the amounts for the selected Risk Section.

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216 Risk Validation The Risk Validation screens shows validations of the Risk Details.

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217 Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Risk Search The Risk Search screen allows the user to search for answers within the Risk Details.

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218 Pressing a result tile loads the corresponding Risk Section screen for the Risk Question. Premium Summary The Premium Summary screen shows the amounts for the selected Policy Version.

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219 Compliance Information The Compliance Information screen shows the compliance details for the selected Policy Version. Pressing the Edit button allows the compliance details to be edited.

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220 Additional Details The Additional Details screen shows additional details of the selected Policy Version. Pressing the Edit button allows the additional details to be edited.

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221 Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Policy Version. The Policy can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Policy Version details to be edited.

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222 Report Questions The Report Questions screen can be loaded from the More button screens available at Non Sys-tem Policy level.

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223 This screen shows the report questions for the selected Non System Policy Version, and functions identically to the equivalent Policy Version level screen. Premium Summary The Premium Summary screen can be loaded from the More button screens at Non System Pol-icy level.

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224 This screen shows the amounts for the selected Non System Policy Version, and functions identi-cally to the equivalent Policy Version level screen. Claims The Claims screen shows the Claims linked to the selected Policy Version. Each Claim is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Claim.

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225 Add On Policies The Add On Policies screen shows the accepted Add On Policies linked to the selected Policy Ver-sion. Each Add On Policy is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Policy Chain Summary screen for the Add On Policy.

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226 Split Fees The Split Fees screen shows the fee splits linked to the selected Policy Version. Each Split Fee is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Fee Summary screen for the Split Fee.

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227 Version Accounts The Version Accounts screen shows a list of the Client and Agent transactions for the selected Policy Version. Each item is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the corresponding Transaction Details screen.

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228 Add On Quotes The Add On Quotes screen shows the Add On Quotes which have been selected to be accepted with the selected item. Each Add On Quote is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Add On Premium Summary screen for the Add On Quote. Claim Module Add Claim Pressing the Add Claim action launches the following set of screens. Note: It is possible to set the availability of the displayed screens and frames in the Add Contact process through configuration.

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229 The Claim Type Selection screen displays the list of available Claim Types. Selecting the Claim Type loads the next screen in the process. The Main Details screen contains various frames to capture details of the Claim. The Claim Context:  Can be set to ‘Contact’ or ‘Policy’  Defaults to ‘Policy’  This field is Read Only if the Add Claim process was launched from the Policy Claims screen. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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230 The Locate Policy screen displays a list of Policies for the selected Contact. The screen is de-faulted to show Policies which were Live at the selected Date of Loss. The Live/All buttons can be used to toggle between showing all Policies which can be linked to a Claim for the Contact and just Live Policies. Long-pressing a tile on the Locate Policy screen opens an overlay with the following option:  View Policy - Pressing this button launches the View Policy screen for the selected tile. This screen is not displayed when:  The process is launched from the Policy Version Claims screen, as the Claim is automati-cally linked to the currently selected Policy Version.  The Claim Context field on the Main Details screen is set to Contact Selecting the Policy loads the next screen in the process.

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231 The Policy Details screen contains various frames to capture details about the Policy linked to the Claim. This screen is skipped when the Claim Context field on the Main Details screen is set to Contact Pressing the View Policy Main Details button displays the View Policy screen for the Policy. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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232 The Report Questions screen contains the following frames:  Loss Detail Questions  Claim Type Questions  Claim Authority Questions  Claim Client Questions Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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233 The Claim Overview screen contains the following frames:  Claim Overview  Preventative Measures Once captured, either a Next or Save button will be displayed  If the Automatic Claim Duplicate Check configuration option is configured on Add Claim, a Next icon will be displayed, and the Duplicate Check screen will be loaded after selecting next.  Otherwise, a Save icon will be displayed. Pressing this performs the steps outlined for the Save button at the bottom of this page.

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234 The Claim Duplicate Check results are returned as per the desktop application. The screen displays a tile for each Claim, with the following data displayed in each tile:  Contact Name  Claim Type  Description  Date of Loss  Status If no results are returned, the grid will display the text “No Matching Claims Found”. Pressing or long-pressing a tile will both launch an overlay with the following options:  View Claim o Pressing this button launches the View Claim screen for the selected tile

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235 o This View Claim screen includes a Jump to Claim button. Pressing this button per-forms the same actions as Jump to Claim below. Jump to Claim - pressing this button launches a confirmation overlay: o Selecting Continue will discard the Claim that was being added and launch the Claim Summary screen for the selected Claim. o Selecting Cancel will close the overlay Pressing Save on the final screen of the process will perform the following steps, as per adding a Claim within the desktop application:  Date Authorisation Code - if configured, an overlay will be launched to input an authorisa-tion code, when the Date of Loss is set outside of the Policy cover dates.  Set Open Status - if configured, an overlay will be launched to set the Claim Open Status  Verify Policy - if configured, an overlay will be launched, allowing the user to Verify Policy.

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236  Add Automatic Reserves - if configured, an overlay will be launched, allowing the user to Add Default Reserves.  Finalise/Pending Claim Amounts o If configured, Claim Amounts will be automatically set to Finalised or Pending Au-thorisation o If configured, a Claim Amount Authorisation Code overlay will be launched to in-put Authorisation Codes  Validate Claim - if configured, Claim Validations are to be run.  Navigate to the Claim Summary screen for the newly added Claim. Claim Summary The Claim Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Claim. Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Claim. The following screens are availa-ble:

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237  Main Details  Claim Overview  Report Questions Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Claim Summary screen contains the following frames:  Claim Details  Pin Claim  Jump to Policy  Open Items  Linked Items  Cost Summary Claim Details The Claim Details frame shows some basic details about the Claim. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen. Pin Claim The Pin Claim frame allows the Claim to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Policy Links Pressing the Jump to Policy action in the Policy Links frame loads the Policy which the Claim is linked to. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Claim  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Claim  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Claim  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the Claim  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Claim  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Claim Linked Items

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238 The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Involved Parties – Pressing this tile loads the Claim level Involved Parties screen  Claim Amounts – Pressing this tile loads the Claim Amounts screen  Child Claims – Pressing this tile loads the Child Claims screen  Related Claims – Pressing this tile loads the Related Claims screen  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Claim level Complaints screen Cost Summary The Cost Summary tile shows the total of the Claim Amounts on the Claim. Pressing this tile loads the Cost Summary screen. Add / Change Policy The Add Policy action is displayed when there is no Policy linked to the current Claim, and allows a Policy to be selected. Selecting this action launches the Add Policy process. The Change Policy action is displayed when there is already a Policy linked to the current Claim, and allows the linked Policy to be replaced. Selecting this action launches the Change Policy pro-cess. Both the Add Policy and Change Policy actions follow the same process. The Locate Policy screen allows the relevant Policy to be selected. Pressing a tile selects the Pol-icy, and loads the Policy Details screen.

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239 The Policy Details screen displays information about the Policy, and allows the Policy Section to be selected.

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240 Pressing Save on the final screen will perform the following steps:  Date Authorisation Codes - if configured, before linking the Policy, an overlay will be launched requesting an authorisation code if the Date of Loss is outside of the Policy cover dates.  Set Open Status - if configured, after the Policy has been linked, an overlay will be dis-played allowing the Claim Open Status to be selected. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Claim. The Claim can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Claim details to be edited.

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241 Policy Details The Policy Details screen displays information relating to the linked Policy. The screen is only shown if there is a Policy linked to the Claim. Pressing the Jump to Policy button will launch the Policy Chain Summary screen for the linked Policy. Pressing the Edit button allows the Policy Section details to be edited.

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242 Claim Overview The Claim Overview screen shows details from the Claim Overview screen in Release 7. Pressing the Edit button allows the Claim Overview details to be edited. These details can only be edited in Acturis Mobile if the contents of the field contain only Plain Text.

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243 Report Question The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Claim. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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244 Involved Parties The Claim level Involved Parties screen shows a list of all involved parties for the selected Claim. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Involved Party process. Each Involved Party is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Involved Party screen. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  View Contact Card  Open Contact  Set as Primary  Remove

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245 Add Involved Party The Add Claim Involved Party process in mobile follows the configuration set for the same pro-cess in the Release 7 flow. Pressing the Add Involved Party action launches the following process.

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246 The user selects a method for adding an Involved Party:  Locate Existing Contact  Locate Risk Contact  Add Non-System Contact If the user selects the top option, the Locate Contact screen is loaded. Note: If the Locate Risk Contact option was selected, The Locate Risk Contact screen will be dis-played instead.

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247 The user searches for a contact and selects a tile. This loads the Involved Party Type selection screen. Note: If the Add Non-System Contact option was selected, the Locate Contact screen will not be displayed.

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248 The user selects an Involved Party Category. This loads the Involved Party Details screen.

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249 Note: If the Add Non-System Contact option was chosen when initiating the process, the final screen may perform a Duplicate Check. The user completes the Involved Party details and presses the Save button. This saves the newly added Involved Party, and returns to the Involved Parties screen. View Involved Party The View Involved Party screen displays the same information as the final screen in the Add In-volved Party Process. The Save icon is replace with an Edit button which allows the information to be updated. Claim Amount The Claim Amounts screen shows details of the amounts for the selected Claim.

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250 Child Amount Tiles are indicated by an outline on the amount icon, and are displayed drectly be-low their parent amount tile. Pressing an amount tile displays the View Claim Amount screen. View Claim Amount The View Claim Amount screen displays details of the selected Claim Amount. Pressing the History tile displays the Claim Amount History screen. Pressing the Allocations tile displays one of two screens, depending on the existence of Cost Groups:  If multiple Cost Groups exist, the Cost Groups screen is loaded.  If only one Cost Group exists, the Cost Headings screen will displayed for this Cost Group

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251 Cost Groups The Cost Groups screen displays the split of a Claim Amount among each Cost Group. One tile is displayed per Cost Group. Pressing a tile loads the Cost Headings screen for the selected Cost Group.

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252 Cost Headings The Cost Headings screen displays the split of a Claim Amount among each Cost Heading within a single Cost Group. One tile is displayed per Cost Heading.

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253 Child Claims The Child Claims screen shows child Claim records linked to the selected Claim. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Child Claim process. Each Child Claim is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Child Claim screen. Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Claim  Remove

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254 Add Child Claim The Add Child Claim process allows a Child Claim to be linked to the selected Claim. The first screen displyed is the Locate Claim screen, which is used to select another Claim within the Contact.

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255 Pressing a Claim tile navigates to the Add Child Claim details screen.

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256 Pressing the Save button adds the selected Claim as a Child Claim. View Child Claim The View Child Claim screen contains the same information as the Add Child Claim details screen. The Save button is replaced with an Edit button which allows the Notes field to be edited. Related Claims The Related Claims screen shows Related Claims for the selected Claim. Pressing the Add button loads the Add Related Claim process. Each Related Claim is displayed as a separate tile. Pressing a tile loads the View Related Claim screen.

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257 Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Claim  Remove Add Related Claim The Add Related Claim process allows a user to relate a Claim to the selected Claim record. The first screen is the Locate Claim screen, which is used to locate and select another Claim on the system. Note: The located Claim record can be on a different Contact.

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258 Pressing a Claim tile navigates to the Add Related Claim details screen.

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259 Pressing the Save button adds the selected Claim as a Related Claim. View Related Claim The View Related Claim screen displays the same information as the Add Related Claim details screen. The Save button is replaced with an Edit button which allows the Related Claim Type and Notes to be edited. Complaints The Complaints screen shows the Complaints linked to the selected Claim. Each Complaint is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Complaint.

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260 Cost Summary The Cost Summary screen shows a summary of the amounts for a selected Claim. Cost Groups If multiple Cost Groups exist, the amounts will be grouped by Cost Group. One tile is displayed for each Cost Group. Pressing a tile loads the Cost Headings screen.

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261 Cost Headings The Cost Headings screen displays the amounts associated to each Cost Heading within the se-lected Cost Group. If only one Cost Group exists for the Claim, the Cost Headings screen will be displayed initially when loading the Cost Summary screen.

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263 Fee Module Fee Summary The Fee Summary screen shows a summary of the details of the selected Fee. Pressing the More button loads a set of screens for the Fee. The following screens are available:  Main Details  Report Questions  Amount Details Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Add Task – Pressing this action loads the Add Task screen  Add Activity – Pressing this action loads the Add Activity screen

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264  Add Note – Pressing this action loads the Add Note screen  Create Document – Pressing this action loads the Create Document screen  Create Email – Pressing this action loads the Create Email screen  Send SMS – Pressing this action loads the Send SMS screen The Fee Summary screen contains the following frames:  Fee Details  Pin Fee  Parent Policy - Only displayed on Split Fees  Open Items  Linked Items  Fee Amounts  Client Balance Fee Details The Fee Details frame shows some basic details about the Fee. Pressing this frame loads the Main Details screen Pin Fee The Pin Fee frame allows the Fee to be added to or removed from the list of pinned items. Parent Policy Pressing the Jump to Policy tile in the Parent Policy frame loads the Policy which the Split Fee was created from. Open Items The Open Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Tasks – Pressing this tile loads the Tasks screen, showing Tasks linked to the Fee  Activities – Pressing this tile loads the Activities screen, showing the Activities linked to the Fee  Validations – Pressing this tile loads the Validations screen, showing the validations run for the Fee  Notes – Pressing this tile loads the Notes screen, showing the Notes linked to the Fee  Contacts – Pressing this tile loads the Contacts screen, showing the address book for the Fee  Status History – Pressing this tile loads the Status History screen, showing the history for the Fee Linked Items The Linked Items frame contains a set of tiles showing the following information:  Complaints – Pressing this tile loads the Fee level Complaints screen

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265 Fee Amounts The Fee Amounts frame shows the Fee Amount inc Tax. field for the Fee. Pressing this tile loads the Amount Details screen Client Balance The Client Balance frame shows the outstanding amount on the Fee. Pressing a tile loads the Fee Accounts screen. Main Details The Main Details screen shows details of the selected Fee. The Fee can be added or removed from the Pinned Items list using the toggle. Pressing the Edit button allows the Fee details to be edited.

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266 Report Questions The Report Questions screen shows the report questions for the selected Fee. Only report questions which have been answered will display on the screen. Pressing the Edit button allows the report questions to be edited.

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267 Amount Details The Amount Details screen shows the breakdown of the Fee amounts including taxes for the se-lected Fee.

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268 Complaints The Complaints screen shows the Complaints linked to the selected Fee. Each Complaint is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Complaint.

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269 Fee Accounts The Fee Accounts screen shows the Client and Agent transactions for the selected Fee. Each item is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Transaction Details screen.

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270 Accounts Account Summary The Account Summary screen shows the balance summary and the ageing profile for the se-lected Contact Type and currency. Pressing the Add button loads an overlay menu containing the following actions:  Create Statement – Pressing this action loads the Create Statement screen  Create Chaser – Pressing this action loads the Create Chaser screen The Account Summary screen contains the following frames:  Balance Summary  Ageing Profile

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271  Item Summary  Open Items  All Items  Account Movements Balance Summary The Balance Summary frame shows the overall balance of the account, including the total out-standing amount and any unallocated cash. Ageing Profile The Ageing Profile frame shows the age of any outstanding balance. Item Summary The Item Summary frame shows the number of open and overdue Items, along with the maxi-mum number of days an Item has been overdue. Open Items Pressing the Open Items tile loads the Open Items screen. All Items Pressing the All Items tile loads the All Items screen. Account Movements Pressing the Account Movements tile loads the Account Movements screen. Create Statement Pressing the Create Statement action launches the following process. The required Account Filters are selected. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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272 The Document Template is selected. Note: If only one statement template is configured for the entity, the Template Name will not be displayed. Any required Content Options, Activity Details and further information relating to the template are captured. Once captured, the Save button will create the statement.

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273 Create Chaser Pressing the Create Statement action launches the following process. The required Account Filters are selected. Once captured, the Next button advances to the next screen.

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274 The Document Template is selected. Note: If only one chaser template is configured for the entity, the Template Name will not be dis-played. Any required Content Options, Activity Details and further information relating to the template are captured. Once captured, the Save button will create the chaser.

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275 Open Items The Open Items screen shows a list of the open transactions and remittances for the selected ac-count. Each item is displayed as a tile. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the item results. Pressing a tile loads either the Transaction Details or Remittance Details screen Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:  Open Context (only available for Invoices)  Item Movements

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276 All Items The All Items screen shows a list of Invoices and Remittances for the selected account. Each item is displayed as a tile. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the item results. Pressing the Find in Results button loads a Find search field to allow users to enter a search term. Pressing a tile loads either the Transaction Details or Remittance Details screen Long-pressing a tile loads a menu with the following options:

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277  Open Context (only available for Invoices)  Item Movements Account Movements The Account Movements screen shows a list of the movements for the selected account. Each movement is displayed as a tile. Pressing the Search Criteria button allows the user to edit the criteria used to search on the movement results. Pressing the Find in Results button loads a Find search field to allow users to enter a search term. Pressing a tile loads the Movement Details screen for the selected movement.

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278 Movement Details The Movement Details screen shows details of the selected movement.

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279 Item Movements The Item Movements screen shows a list of the movements for the selected item. Each item movement is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Movement Details screen for the selected movement.

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280 Remittance Details The Remittance Details screen shows details of the selected remittance. Pressing the Item Movements tile loads the Item Movements screen for the selected Remittance.

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281 Transaction Accounts The Transaction Accounts screen shows all Accounting items linked to the selected transaction. Each item is displayed as a tile. Pressing a tile loads the Item Movements screen for the selected item.

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282 Transaction Details The Transaction Details screen shows details of the selected transaction. Pressing the Transaction Accounts tile loads the Transaction Accounts screen.

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284 How to note a Client as Deceased 1. Go to the ‘Main Client Level’ and select ‘People and Locations’ from the ‘Options’ panel. 2. Under the ‘People’ section, double click on the contact you want to note as deceased. 3. If a Consumer client, make the note ‘Deceased’ in the ‘Additional Information’ section under ‘Contact Person Notes’. If a Commercial Client, note ‘(Deceased)’ under the surname of the contact person. Then untick ‘Contact Person Active’ and press ‘Save’